She started with a tooth ache on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day!! I great Mom as I am thought that she had a loose tooth…so, I told her to “wiggle it out” She worked on it and didn’t say much of anything else about it until the next day. She woke up and told me again that her tooth hurt I looked in the mouth and saw nothing and it really wasn’t loose (she admitted to me) so I sent her up to floss it again and see if there was something stuck in it. Nope…nothing! We gave her some Motrin and Tylenol and it helped I assumed that she bruised her gum from wiggling it all day. She laid low with a hot pack off and on for the day on Friday, in the evening it was a little puffy…I thought because of the hot pack…do we see the failure of a Mom yet? Phil and I talked about it and looked at her and really were in agreement with where the pain was coming from and she didn’t really seem to be complaining about it. (which by the way she doesn’t complain about things EVER!!) bad mom…we figured we would see how she was in the morning…no problem right! So Saturday morning she woke up and she looked like someone had shoved a tennis ball up in her cheek. We called the dentist and he said abscessed tooth. Called in amoxicillin and told us to call in a few days after the swelling went down. Sounds good to me…he did say that if her eye got swollen or she had a hard time breathing get into the ER. She didn’t do much but sit on the couch all day. Rachel was over and we kept watching her to see if she was getting better trying to convince ourselves that she was looking better (I think) finally Phil came in around 6:00 and we talked about it and ate dinner…and we were getting ready to bring her into the ER when Rachel said “Call Nardos” (ok, so she said it a few times during the day) So, I did and got a call from Jack shortly after I made the call. He told me to come over and he was going to look at it and see what was going on in there. Well…he extracted the nasty tooth! Poor Meg, I think she was levitating on the chair as he pulled it. The tears wouldn’t stop but we watched the swelling come down quite a bit. We watched her for awhile then off to bed we all went…with every intention of calling the dentist on Monday morning. She woke up Sunday and we couldn’t see the eye it was so swollen now this is a very bad thing when it gets up that high. We called Jack and also our dentist. Phil had her there at the office at 9:30 to be looked at…more crying and more pain for Meg. He put her on another type of antibiotic (and no pain med still) bought an ice pack and she was on the couch all day. Not getting much better she went to church with me for choir I think it was more to show off her battle wound than anything else really…we left right after choir and spent some time at my parents house Phil watched her eye get more swollen once again and brought her home to settle her in for the night and hopefully get some of the swelling down again. It continued to get worse…at 10:10ish Sunday night we agreed that the best place for her would be in the ER so…we made a few calls to make sure that the rest of the kids would be taken care of (Thanks for being on call Mom and Dad!!) Got to the ER at 10:35 pm…right as the change of shift was happening…good timing or bad timing I am still not sure of that I think it was good because we were able to have the same nurse taking care of her and not be having to change 20 minutes after we arrived. At 11:10 (right after the Patriots won the game) we were ushered into a room and checked in. The nurse left us for a minute and came right back with all the goods to start an IV. The ER doc saw us walk by and told her to start it right away (he didn’t even see her other than through the glass that is how bad she was!!!) so we took blood and lots of it, hooked her up to the IV chatted with us and then told us the only reason that she was still down in the ER and not up in a room was because there were no nurses in the Pedi until at that point that needed to call one in. I felt sort of bad she lived 45 minutes away…right around the corner from where we lived in Epping (how many years ago was that? ) and speaking of that when we registered her they asked if we moved and we said not recently we have been in our home for almost 8 years. She told us what address she had we laughed…the last time Meg was in the hospital was almost exactly 11 years ago to the day. When she was 8 weeks old! Does anyone remember that week?? UGH!!!! So, we finally got up to the room and she was treated like a princess (I guess they know her!) Royal treatment all the way!! The doctor came in and checked her out, told me she was going to call the ENT and see what he wanted to do…(yes I know that this is getting v-e-r-y long!!) We finally settled in around 3ish. Around 4is Meg woke with a start and she said “am I in Texas?” then mumbled something I could not understand then looked at me and laughed and we chatted for a few minutes then we went back to sleep. We woke up around 7ish to the rounds the Doctor said that she need to have x-rays just to see what was brewing up in there so around 8 off we went. We came back to the room and Meg was pricked again! More blood work! All Monday was just resting and getting pumped up with antibiotics and around noon the ENT prescribed a different one for her (#4) That was the one that seemed to work! After about 2 hours we could almost watch the swelling go down!! HIP HIP HORRAY!! She has been improving every minute since, she looks the best about 2 hours after the IV has been given to her. It is an every 6 hour IV. Well, after our 2nd night in the hospital…and not knowing when we are able to go home she got the word this morning!! She will be heading home sometime after 12:30 I am assuming it will be around 1 or 2 when we actually get out of here. Then we will have a visiting nurse come in and show me how to do her IV and I will administer her last 3 IV antibiotics I always wanted to be a nurse!! ;-) then she is done!! OK, so after all the plans were set the visiting nurse called me to say that we would have to pay out of pocket for them to come because we have not yet met our deductible…OR…???...stay in the hospital for another night and insurance will cover it…I don’t understand that one!! So, we opted for the stay for 1 more night, yeah…good times here in the hospital with a cute little girl who just wants to be home!! So…Lord willing we will be there tomorrow around 1 or 2! (OK...so we walked through the door at 12:05 pm...yes we are home!!!)
I know I know if you made it through this whole thing I am proud of you! If I told you in person it would be a LOT longer you know that right??
Thanks for praying for her and keep it up please. Most of you know just how much Megan doesn’t like to be away from home, so this has been pretty tough on her. She has been a brave little girl and realized last night when we were chatting that yes indeed this is the best place for her to be! I was glad that she realized that all on her own! But sleep tonight will be wonderful for her tonight in her own little bed! Thanks again for praying!