Friday, February 10, 2006

Am I approachable?

A few things have happened over the past few weeks that have really opened my eyes to things of the world that kids are dealing with everyday! A lot of them really scare me to see what they have to deal with. I have been reading things that kids have no idea adults or parents know about. Being a mom of a soon to be teen I want to know what is out there. Scary things on the web! I don't allow the kids to be on internet without being right there. And knowing what they are looking up. Abby even has a kid AOL account, she can't even access Build a bear or American girl without my permission, because we blocked it! There are kids out there her age, and not much older posting things on the web that parents have no idea they are doing. Some do yes, and I am sure that they check up on it daily. KUDOS to those parents who do that, what about the ones that don't?

My kids are NOT perfect, big sinners just like me. I am not going to try to fool myself or anyone else thinking they are not! My question is...If you see my kids doing something that you know we do not approve of. Whether it is running through the downstairs at church, talking back to an adult, doing things on the web...You get the picture? Do you feel that you can approach me about it? I really do want to be approachable so that we can correct behavior before it is so out of hand that we will regret not knowing. I am in a position where I need to confront a parent but I am afraid to, why? Is it fear of losing a friend, fear of being too outspoken? (I have been accused of that before)! Fear of the unknown, I think is what it is! PLEASE approach me when you see something...I need it, we all need it at time. Loving and concerned not IN YOUR FACE sort of confronting! If we are supposed to be Christians we need to act more like Christ so that our kids can see it too!

Here is an article that I read and this is of concern. Please understand that some of these things are good. SOME are horrid! check it out!

And please if you have something to talk to me about do so! I don't want to be one of the ones who no one feels they can talk to...Hurt, offended yes, probably but not at the person who brings it to me, more at the person who did the offense and it may come out at you and if it does, I apologize before hand! Thanks for taking the time to read all of this! AND PRAY for the teens that are around today, and the ones who will soon be teens! The world is a very dark and scary place to be in unless you know the One True God!


Nikki said...

Thats a high calling in your blog Jen, who knows what you've opened yourself up to!
It would be a pleasure to watch you around your kids more. I don't know how you balance such craziness! God calls some and not others I guess.
A bunch of my roommates teach at a Christian school where they had problems with different kids' MySpace. I couldn't believe the content that some eighth graders had on their pages. Truly it is sad that kids are growing up so fast these days.

BethsMomToo said...

You're a wise Mom, Jen. It has been my experience that parents who take the stand of "my kid is always right", who refuse to heed warnings or submit to church authority usually end up in great trouble. I have ALWAYS appreciated the encouragement and help of my church family in the lives of my kids. I couldn't be everywhere at once! It was also advantageous to have lived in the same community for a long time. I was thankful when we received calls concerning behavior we needed to deal with. Of course, the spirit in which it is done is important. And I don't generally feel it's a good idea to create "lists" over minor infractions. (We had someone at church once upon a time who thought that was their "spiritual gift". ;)Not helpful!

I was greatly impressed recently when Laurie Z. saw a couple of kids running around downstairs during a ladies' activity. I was working in the kitchen and she mentioned to me that she had spoken to them. When I told her I had also spoken to them, she wisely pointed out it was time to tell the Moms. One Mom had her child come and apologize to me for disobeying. The other I never heard from. Guess which Mom impressed me more? And which child do you think truly felt the consequences of their disobedience and will be more likely to obey next time?

Nikki said...

I just went to a baby shower today for a dear friend of mine. What a huge responsibility and honor to be given a life to guide and teach. Hopefully one day I will be given that gift!

Happy said...

I've thought about this a little bit recently Jen. Would I be willing to talk to another parent about something they were doing to either harm their child or to negatively affect one of mine (future-speaking, of course). Oh by the way, I'm ENGAGED!!

Jen said...

Happy, we are so happy! Can wait to hear the details!! CONGRATS!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Happy And Amy

The Kow Katcher~~Jen's next door neighbor
HMM--Catchy name with GREAT initials

Anonymous said...

I think the kow katcher thinks highly of himself.

Anonymous said...

ronald reagan said...
I think the kow katcher thinks highly of himself

HMMMMM-----Sounds like "DJ" there.
Am I correct DJ???


Anonymous said...

Is the kow katcher approachable?

Jen said...

IS that SPAM?? that I am getting on this? hmm....I thought that with the letter verification I wouldn't get spam any longer! Thanks!! ;)

Anonymous said...


OK Here's the
Ole & Lena Joke of the day

Ole's neighbor Sven had a boy, Sven Junior, who came home one day and asked, "Papa, I have da biggest feet in da third grade. Is dat becoss I'm Norvegian?" "No," said Sven, "It's because you're NINETEEN."

Sent by Ole's frent, Sven