Monday, May 08, 2006

Where do YOUR convictions lie?

Recent discussion on other blogs really made me think...

How do you feel about different areas in your life? Soap Boxes we all have them. We feel very strongly about an issue, give all of our points why everyone else should believe what WE believe. Don't get me wrong some soap boxes are good! Some however can just be too silly to even fathom!

So, here is the question I am sending out there. Where do your convictions lie? Are you holding the Bible to it's truth. Not taking verses out of context just to fit into your situation? Are you studying The Word to get the answers that you need to find out what God is saying to you. How is He speaking to your heart? Do you feel strongly about something and yet turn the page of the Bible and not think that God really meant to say what was written on that page too? Are we to pick and choose our convictions?

I know people out there believe that women should only wear skirts or dresses. I don't see it in the Bible. I know there are people out there who believe that we should not watch TV. I don't find that in my Bible either. I know there are people out there that don't believe in medicine. I don't see that in my Bible either. I know that the Curse and the Fall of Man are a BIG topic. We need to hold our convictions to what we feel the Bible states, and not just take it to what we feel it should say just for us. Yes, God is speaking to us and we need to listen to Him, we need to be sensitive to what our convictions are and what other people have for convictions as well. And respect one another for our different convictions. NOT try to make the other people feel that they don't know what they are talking about.

Don't get me wrong. Sin is SIN there is not getting around that one. BUT, just because I don't choose to homeschool my children and my neighbor feels that it is the ONLY way, God's way. Their convictions are different from mine. Am I going to try my hardest to convince them that a Christian School (or a public school) is where their kids should be (just because that is our conviction) NO...Just the same I don't want them to tell me that I must homeschool because it is THEIR conviction.

Using my neighbor just as an example my neighbor does not tell me I am wrong by not homeschooling! I don't think she would ever do that. Why? Because we both have different convictions.

Now, if my other neighbor was having trouble with a sin in her life. Let say she is shoplifting (just as an example) I know that she is doing this I have seen her. Do I leave her alone because she has a conviction about it and thinks that it is right for her? NO WAY...She is openly stealing breaking one of the 10 commandments. I would have to talk to her about it. Lovingly, and Biblically! Because it is what the Bible says to do.

So, where do your convictions lie? Are you only on a soap box for your own good or are you on a soap box or Gods Good?


BethsMomToo said...

You SURE it doesn't say anything about not watching TV? ;) [except for LOST, of course...]

You've got quite the sophisticated look on your site...nice change!!

When my kids were little we had a commonly heard phrase in our house..."This is what we do in our family."

Beth said...

I think having convictions you have to be careful. Sure, we should be convicted about sin, and I understand that parents have to implement boundaries for their kids that are not directly out of a verse in the Bible. However, the Bible is clear to not try to earn your own righteousness by making up arbitrary rules laws. This is exactly what is preached against over and over again. We should be encouragin eachother to holiness and constantly dealing with our own sin so we can encourage others to deal with their own sin, but "personal convictions" are just that- personal- when it isn't a sin issue.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm not a shoplifter!:)

The whole chapter of Rom. 14 talks about what you are saying. I find it interesting that Paul states eating meat is not a sin, but to someone who is convicted in it (weaker brother/newer Christian) it is. So, we do have to be convinced one way or another, and not sin. What we really have to do is constantly seek the truth in God's word- because it is there. You're exactly right Jen, we have to base our convictions on what the Bible says, and make sure it is not a conviction we bring to the Bible to then try to prove.

Jen said...

Hey I was taolking about my other neighbor when I said that one :)

That is the whole point I am going for Wendy. "we have to base our convictions on what the Bible says, and make sure it is not a conviction we bring to the Bible to then try to prove."

I think that it is very difficult for some people to seperate the two! And we do need to be very careful about what the Bible states and also, be carful not to offend another person because of what they may be convicted of. (right or wrong) just gently prod them to what the Bible says, show where it says it and love and pray for them. God will do the convicting NOT other "men"

That is what I was going for here!