Well, we were off yesterday for our annual family adventure up to the White Mountains. Once again we are amazed at how many travelers come all the way to beautiful NE to check out the foliage. I was able to meet a couple from Valencia CA. That is just about where I was when I went to CA this summer! How cool is that? The lady took some pictures for us, Phil asked a random person to snap a shot of the family and she just happened to be a professional photographer. (ok, but when you are not in a studio that really doesn't help much!) Gotta work with what you have. :)
It seemed that when we were on the Kangamugas highway that the leaves were mostly gone. And unfortunatly that is where most of the pictures were taken :(

We ate at a great restaraunt Banners it was wonderful! Outside they had some beautiful gardens and the mums were vibrant. The butterflies liked them too...look! They were covered with Monarchs and honey bees!
And this last pictures is a local picture. this is about what the color is like here at home, we are almost at peek! Beautiful!

I will get some more on later. Gotta go and read for first grade! :)
Nice Pictures!!!!!!!!!
Nice looking family!!!!!!!!!
What state do you live in???????
Your BLOG says NH. Is that correct?
Do you milk your Maple trees up there for Maple Syrup?
How do you get Maple Syrup?
I've heard that you all put spigots on the tree trunks and then you turn the spigot and fill the syrup jug. Is it really that simple? Well, I must go now, the alligators just got out of the pen and they are heading for the pond. This is not good as they will get all the fish and ducks and, well you know, they just get into mischief.
Good Bye
That's really cool stuff. Can't wait to be in New England for autumn some time.
Nice family picture!
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