So I had the privilege to attend the
Women of Faith conference in Hartford CT have you ever heard of it? Well, I really enjoyed myself. I was able to attend with a few of my very good friends, we really enjoyed our time of learning and also the fellowship that we had with one another on the breaks and in the evening! I don't think that I have laughed as hard as I did while we were there in such a long time. I laugh yeah, but we are talking tears running down my cheeks laugh! It was great fun.
The conference was great the theme was FAITH. All the speakers spoke from their hearts of different things that they have been through to make their faith stronger. If you wan to hear some of their stories you can go right to their sites. The one that I know really pricked my heart the most was
Tammy Trent if you have a chance and you are not familiar with her please read her story. What a testimony she has.
If you really want to laugh hard, check out
Patsy Clairmont She is packed full of energy, I am not sure how old she is, I am sure that I could find out easy enough. But I certainly hope that when I am her age I am able to do half the things that she can do! What a hoot she is!!
Sheila Walsh this is another speaker that I really enjoyed, these women have all had real trials in their lives and really want to have people learn from their experiences and teach them, such hearts and devotion they have. I used to listen to Sheila Walsh back in the 80's when she was a "cool" hip happenin' singer! Yeah... She didn't last too long on the Christian artist list. She figured that she would do better as a speaker I guess, and well... I agree! Some of the other speakers that were there were... Lucy Swindoll, Nicole Johnson, Kathy Tricolli (another 80's singer!) and Marilyn Meberg.
It was a great time. I am so thankful that Phil was able to take a couple of days off and take care of the kids for me, he even took them to the fair and I hear that it was a sight to see! Phil and all 6 of them! haha... He strapped Claires carseat to a wagon! I wish I had a picture of that one!
Well, I guess that is about all in a nutshell. There was really too much for me to write about but, I hope that you can see from this that we had a great time and God was truly glorified over the time that we were there!
Oh yeah, have you ever heard of
Chonda Pierce? Now she is funny!