Well, he did it! Phil had a lovely moose in the truck last night when he came home. HUGE... 7oo pounds. It had a 51 inch rack. WOW that is impressive! The hunt for moose is a special treat here in our lovely state. Phil was telling me yesterday that only 550 permits are given out each year, there are 15000 people who put there names in to be drawn each year.(you have to put your name in for a lottery). You can put your name in each year but, if you are drawn you are not allowed to put in again for 3 years moose or no moose. That is the chance that you take. So, Phil has put his name in and has been drawn 2 times in the last 5 years. And even fortunate enough to harvest a moose both times.
Something that doesn't always happen. Another thing that they do is tell you where you are going to hunt. Makes it a little harder! So, we may have moose in our backyard but... If he didn't get drawn for this area too bad someone else probably will be out there getting that one.
So, there are about 300 moose checked in at the end of the 1 week hunting season. What does that mean? They really are not that easy to A.
find B.
harvest I am just glad that he was able to get his 5 days into the hunt, it was a long week without the Dad being around. Bedtime (which he has the privilege of doing every night) was up to me. They look forward to that special time with their dad, they talk about the things of the day, they talk about what is going to be going on the following day. He gets them silly and then can calm them down... I really don't get that part. So, back to the normal routine of life again. Moose meat in the freezer. Mount to be on the wall. Where am I going to put THAT head? Next to the caribou? I guess I have a little time to figure that one out.
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Isn't hunting moose like hunting Herfords?
Um, I don't think so!! :)
Getting a shot at a moose is sort of like getting a shot at the very rare "Unique Hawk."
In both cases unique up on them and walla------you got 'em.
Isn't that right keemosabe?
I heard it was like hunting a Holstien in a pasture. Way to go - you better eat ALL of that meat!
i think he should take the moose and stuff it and stick it in a field to see how many people try to shoot it. either that or turn it into a good sized stuffed animal for Cabot.
I think a moose would be significantly harder to hunt than a Holstein- no big udder flapping around slowing them down.
You could stuff it and tell people it is your new breed of lean beef. I wouldn't mind having him around the house.
Man, if I had known that you were all so interested in Phils hunting ability, I would have posted more of his hunting! Maybe I will even take it up, do you think they make camo in a nice pink?
Oh yes, camo comes in all colors. I'm quite the expert in camo and hunting wear after living in WV for 6 years. :)
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