Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Happy Holidays?

Ok, I just read a post in Nikkis blog about Christmas... Made me think and I was on a soap box, and if you haven't read it yet don't go there until you read this!! (then you can read hers)
How many times do you say Happy Holidays to someone instead of Merry Christmas? Are you concerned that you may offend them by wishing them a Merry Christmas when they actually celebrate kwanza? Chanukah? Or nothing at all? I do find myself on occasion saying happy holidays after all, I wouldn't want to hurt feelings...Makes me think whose feelings are actually being hurt? Who is the real season for? Who was born for our sins? Who died for us? Why are we afraid to upset someone else? Kind of makes me think.
Another thing that I have been bothered by for a LONG time (since I was in elementary school!) Why do people write X-mas on things instead of Christmas? Seems like they are too worried about the "other" things that the season has to offer. Well I was directed to a site about xmas I found it interesting and those of you out there are who are proficient in Greek! So I may be a little slow on this! I still am thinking that not too many people know why they are writing it xmas instead of Christmas so, I am sticking to my guns and writing the WHOLE thing out!
Merry Christmas everyone

OK, now you can go and read Nikki's blog!


Nikki said...

So, 'x-mas' is for the ignorant who think they're being politically correct when in actuality the x still stands for what they're fighting so hard against.
The whole happy holidays thing is interesting. We were told at work not to wish people a merry christmas. I've found that when I do say MC that I second guess myself thinking that I'm wrong. So to obey the rules I avoid the subject and if someone wishes me a merry christmas I gladly return the comment.
I agree with you though Jen and Merry Christmas to you too!!

Beth said...

I heard John Carrey was on Connan O'Brian and told him how he was going home to decorate his "non-denominational bush"! ha. I think the "Holiday Tree" is over-the-top! The only people who should really be offended about "christmas" are the practicing Jews who are still waiting for the Messiah- and they don't even have Christmas trees!

Jen said...

So Nikki, I was just looking at the starbucks site! hmm... you are not allowed to say Merry Christmas but they sell Christmas coffee and have Christmas music, and are showing santa? hmmm... a little odd don't you think?
Beth, It seems that for as politically correct people feel they need to be, you would think that yeah, if you have a tree, believe in santa, are rushing around in the hustle and bustle of life in December that Merry Christmas would only be a natural thing to say! why else are they out there if it isn't to celebrate the true meaning of the day! kinda makes you stop and think!!

Jen said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!!! (if you read this) love you!!

Anonymous said...

Not to be a contrarian, but sometimes I shorten Christmas to Xmas, merely out of laziness. God knows my heart - he is afterall the one who changed it!

As for saying Merry Christmas to everyone, go for it. Paul said in Romans 1 "...for I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation" Let's not be ashamed!

BethsMomToo said...

Sorry guys. There's no great conspiracy in Xmas. The "X" stands for the Greek "chi", the first letter of Christos [xristos]. No need for upset there.

Jen said...

thanks Greek student!! make the rest of us look dumb like I have time to study greek!!!!
Merry Christmas

Nikki said...

Surely you have plenty of free time with only, what, 6 kids?

Tim Costine said...

i don't really have any problem with 'Happy Holidays' over 'Merry Christmas'. Doesn't Holiday literally mean 'Holy Day'?

And as far as being upset over businesses not allowing people to say 'Merry Christmas' because its Christian or whatever, I don't really care about that either. I don't expect Starbucks, Target or any other store to hold to any religious law. They are not religious institutions and I don't expect them to wave the banner of Christ or help people remember Christ. That's the church's job.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen, (sorry for the off topic comment) did you see that a new yarn store is opening in Chester? It opens on Tuesday. I'm going to go check it out that afternoon, want to come?

Jen said...

Cheryl, yeah I am up for going. It is a friend of mine, she was sending people down to my house during the Chester craft tour. So, when do you want to go?? let me know. And, I am going to put up a new post today!! finally... talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

Where is this new Chester yarn store located?

Nikki said...

new post...what new post?

Anonymous said...

A Question For All Of You...
How many read the message from WoolSpinner.lamb and then attempted to find the WoolSpinner.Lamb web site?

Really now, how many?
