Thursday, January 26, 2006

10 Days since my last post!

So, I have been a slacker! I guess I am still trying to figure out how we got from sweaters to books on the last post!
What have I been doing for the past week and a half? Well you can all thank Cheryl I have a new hobby (like I have time for another one) I made another sweater! It is beautiful. AND it actually fits Claire! I was really sick last week so...I was on the couch A LOT... That is no fun, I am paying for it this week...Still trying to find the house in all the clutter that accumulated over the few days (and having a 12 year old try her hand at laundry)! haha...
Also sitting at the basketball games I was able to knit some. I felt like an old grandmother! It was funny...OH, basketball finished last night. They didn't do well the second half of the season so, no playoffs. Rest until March then we start softball... BE WARNED!! :)

OK...Enough on all that Here is the question? If you know anything about the movie The End of the Spear please give a little input. If you have seen it, are not going to see it, on the fence about it. I have heard nothing but good reviews about it until today when I got an e-mail containing
. Hmmm...What do you think? I would like a little feedback, I know that Phil will be a little disappointed when he reads this article. I know that I was but then again, we do have to remember that it is a Hollywood production and not one of the several commentaries that we have seen over the past year.
OK...Got to get back to cleaning!


Beth said...

It is sad, but it isn't a Christian production so you shouldn't have expectations that the lives of the actors would by holy. I'm sure the actors on the Chronicles of Narnia are all unsaved- whether they had a sin that is as "taboo" as being gay- maybe not, but sin is sin and they aren't christians.

Homosexuality and immorality are the two sins married christians love to bring up as if they were more "sinful" than slander, complaining, being unthankful, lying, coveting, lusting over material things you don't have- proably b/c they are the two sins from which they are exempt. I'm not saying you and Phil do this- it is just what I observe at churches and Bible studies. Tim and I were talking about this the other night. If you were to ask the college age kids at his church if they were people in the church who struggled with homosexuality- they would say most definately yes, if you asked the older marrieds they would probably give you a disgusted look on their face and say of course not.

Anonymous said...

I think the crux of the issue was brought up on that site by poter #2, Steve Camp. The issue is, since Steve Saint spearheaded this endeavor, why would he allow and openly gay activist to portray his father, and perhaps taint such a moving story? I don't have an answer to this one.

BethsMomToo said...

Have you ever noticed in the credits there is a person whose job it is to cast the movie? What criteria do you suppose a Hollywood movie would use for casting? Would they hand out a list of sins for the preponderantly unsaved actors to check off? Would they then assign a numerical sin value to each sin and only choose actors whose numbers fell below a certain number? Or would they do what they do when they cast every other movie - choose the best actor available at the price they want to pay?

As for Steve Saint's control over who is cast for any particular role, I would guess his power to do so would be nil. He was probably allowed to make suggestions and that's it. He who paid for the movie rights have the ultimate decision. I'm sure he has been left with a bad taste in his mouth over the whole thing. How do you think most authors feel when they see their book made into a movie? How many times have we seen stories COMPLETELY changed (eg Under the Tuscan Sun)?

[See, Jen, I can turn this into a book discussion, too! ;)]

Beth said...

For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges. I Cor 5:12

Doug I'm not saying married people are immune to homossexuality - they are by default disqualified from fornication, but not adultery. My point is that when someone uses and example of sin they drop the big "homosexuality" or "immorality" example. If I got a dollar for everytime these two sins were the "token big sin" my old house would be completely renovated. For example, I know some "christians" who are the biggest complainers and negative people I know- yet they don't see that as a sin and as far as know they aren't confronted on it (although I'm thinking about it). Complaining isn't used as the "token sin". Neither is materialism- especially not in the good old US of A. Jesus did make the point that under the new covenant to hate our brother is as horrible as killing him. Now there's a higher standard! God wants our hearts and our attitudes to be conformed to him.

BethsMomToo said...

If the lifestyle of that actor is a real problem for you, though, then don't go see it. And it would probably be a good idea to stop seeing movies all together. Seriously.

As for the hierarchy of would probably be a good idea to see how God ranks them, rather than how people see them. If you look at lists like Rom.1:29-32 you notice things like disobedience to parents, being unforgiving, unloving, covetous, backbiters or whisperers are ranked right along beside sexual immorality, wickedness, maliciousness, haters of God and violent...and ALL of those "are deserving of death". I think that's the point Beth was trying to make.

It's not individual sins that separates people from God, it's their rebelliousness towards God and their rejection of His Gift which provides the only means of reconciliation with Him.

Jen said...

So, I just wanted peoples opinions, look at all this talk...I am going to see the movie. What Chad Allen does is his business not mine, I will certainly pray for him. Do I think that Steve Saint picked him? NO...this is a Hollywood production. I did state that in the post! I just wanted to see some good discussion and look!! there it is! Do you think that the actors in Left Behind were saved? doubt it! Yes, pick the right person for the job. HEY, I have some sins, pretty huge in mans eye! am I ever glad that I am forgiven and as long as I ask forgivness of my sins, I know they will all be forgotten, at least by God.
If we had to judge one another on sins. I am sure that I would be way down at the bottom of the list! Glad it isn't up to us.
Sin is is black/white. I am not standing up and saying HE IS A BIG SINNER, AND I AM HOLYIER THAN HIM!! NO WAY!!!!!
I just wanted good feedback that is all!

BethsMomToo said...

Told ya!! Actually, it sometimes amazes me to find that what I think they understand is not what THEY think they understand. It's good to check from time to time. You deserve an "attaboy". ;)

BethsMomToo said...

PS I already KNOW about the actor(s) in Lord of the Rings and I'm not telling, before I spoil another movie/show for you.

Anonymous said...

Here's a little more info about the decision:

Jen said...

Doug,do tell...I am sure that I know but I can't remember, you can e-mail me too incase you don't want to offend someone else! (like I haven't already done that with this post!)

this is some great discussion. Thanks everyone! Keep it up...

Jay, thanks for that article. Funny how "we" think that we can play God but He always has a greater plan and purpose for us all!

Veggie tales kinda like veggie burgers!!!where's the beef?

BethsMomToo said...

I went to the site to read that article and noticed an ad for a series of "Bible studies" based on the movie 'Saving Private Ryan'. No offense to the movie, I really thought it was well done, but whatever happened to Bible studies based on the Bible? This is a good new discussion. How can we encourage people to teach Bible studies from God's Word rather than books or movies or TV shows (they must be planning that next)?

Jen said...

SO, I have NEVER seen that show. Is that what it is about? "24" What about a Bible study on "LOST"? I am sure that we could come up with a Biblical basis for it and sell a lot of books. :)

BethsMomToo said...

This isn't exactly the direction I had hoped you would go in...though very clever! Jen, I have Season 1 of "24". Beth gave it to us for Christmas one year, but it is too intense for me! Maybe if I only watched it once a week I could take it, but I really don't want to become attached to another TV show.

Doug- Beth took Season 1 of Lost home with her last weekend. When I get it back Jen wants to see a few episodes off of it, then I'll bring it down to you guys. I'd call it a "summer project" but you'll have the entire season done in a week. It's pretty hard not to keep watching. It is interesting how much you notice, now that we know certain things.

Jen- It's interesting that you haven't done a new post, but we just keep going on and on...Btw, when you get us going about a subject, it really has nothing to do with you personally (even though this IS your blog). We just like to discuss. So don't take things personally...we're just kicking ideas around. [Either that or you'll learn not to ask questions! ;)]

Jen said...

What should I take personally?
I just wanted some good discusson. Call it blog envy, but I never have good discussion on my blog, and I do!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Deb - It can't be any worse than being sucked into a good book, right? Books, tv, it's all entertainment, right?

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha - no fight here. My wife and I go back and forth on this one. I do watch 24 (best show on tv, hands down) but Sarah is a reader. My contention is that unless you are reading nonfiction (and learning), it's as much wasted time as watching an episode of 24.

It's like anything else in life - if used with moderation, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Taken to excess - that's another story...

Jen said...

Doug, consider yourself linked!!

Anonymous said...


I'm exhausted from reading this Blog.

Detsuahxe Morf Gnidaer

comment # 28

BethsMomToo said...

I was going to say it depends on what you're reading. I admit I have been ODing on nonfiction for the past year or so, which is NOT conducive to our Literary Luncheon groups! I do think well written historical fiction (well researched mind you!)and good literature can be very valuable in "fleshing" out nonfiction. And a good deep scifi or fantasy is just plain fun! (But it's got to have some challenge to it.) My problem with TV is:

1) It's habit forming, makes me stare and drool and I am powerless to turn it off once it's turned on.

2) It is incredibly shallow in depth of knowledge, frequently just plain silly and often WRONG!!

3) Commercials urge, no, attempt to COMPEL me to be a consumer. The Bible does not.

4) We won't even go into the promotion of/acceptance of sin on the average weekly show. (except for Mythbusters, of course ;)

5) Is there anything good on? Sure, once in a while. But college football season is over (and even then I mute the commercials). And you also have the problem of #1.

Right now I'm reading a variety of books (I can't have just one book going at a time. ;)

Why Bother Being Good? John Hare

Social Darwinism in American Thought, Richard Hofstadter

The Old Religion in a New World, Mark Noll (NOT my favorite guy!)

The Message of the Sermon on the Mount, John R. Stott

And I just finished- Jonathon Edwards: A Life, George Marsden (FANTASTIC book!!)

What TV show could be more fun than that?!