I hit the new shop here in town last week (A Knitters Garden) I am not a big knitter I went with
Cheryl the week before. I saw the cutest little sweater, however I know how busy I am and I don't have much time to just sit and knit. I kept thinking of this sweater for a week. I was obsessed with it. So I went back, looked at it again and I figured it looked easy enough I would give it a try (I can knit I just don't do it very often) Very simple garter stitch one piece work from the back to the front, I thought that I would give it a try. I LOVED the yarn that she used however, she didn't have any of those colors that she had made the one I loved out of. So, I started picking up different yarns and looking to see which colors I liked together (for a baby) I settled with a muli-colored nubby sort of yarn and I picked out a deep red for the contrast. I started knitting on the way up to the basket ball game. I was thrilled at how fast it knit up, in about 45 min I had 5 inches of the back done. So, I started playing with different ways to use the colors, the sample had been done in stripes (I have NEVER done stripes) I thought I would try and see what it looked like. I liked it, this sweater has a "bib" in the front, I made this in the solid red color, the stripes are every other row for a few inches in the back and over the shoulders and then I wanted to do something a little different so, I did 4 rows of the multi yarn and 2 rows of the red. It looks really cute! I am trying to think of some nice buttons for the bib, I think that a shell button would be really pretty with the colors of the yarn, but I think that wooden ones would be nice too! I am at a loss...It is all done except for the buttons, I finished the knitting last night and finished the weaving of the sides this afternoon. HOWEVER, it is much smaller than I thought it would be (due to using the wrong yarn) It will make a great gift for someone who is having a girl. I even think I know who it will go to as well. So, my camera is missing!! OOPS!!!!! I will get a picture of it as soon as I can find that camera, I think Anna had been taking pictures of Claire! So, that is my post A NEW SWEATER!! I am a little excited about the sweater, I have already started another one! Let's see how quick I can knit the next one...Bye
So, I found the camera and here is the picture of the little sweater!
Can't wait to see the pic!
A little shameless promo there, eh? Are you and Mark having a contest? [Wouldn't it be funny if Matt really wrote Mark's blog? ;)]
OK, welcome Doug. It isn't usually about knitting. I just finished a sweater, and I am a little excited about it!
And I have been to your blog too! Not every day, OK...not even once a week. But I have been there. I don't comment b/c well, I just don't!
I had a conversation with Buster, Shameria, Mocha and Nicholas this morning as well as with the three wee ones in the barn. They, and their assorted friends would like sweaters too.
Can you arrange sweater coverage for these critters?
Buster and Nick are asking for 52 Extra Large, the others only about 3/4 that size.
Preferably, they ask for 100% Merino wool. Can you believe how picky they are? The barn residents would just like something to wallow around in.
The Herder
Click, Clack, Moo!
I love it!! That's a great color combination. I can't believe how fast you knit it up, this will be another knitting blog before you know it!
Click, Clack, Moo!! One of my fave picture books! Have you seen the sequel? Sometimes I read it just for me, just for a chuckle...not a child in sight. Scary, huh?
No offense Deb, but that is one of my LEAST favorite books. The ducks want what????? The Cat & the Hat part 2 is my (& Adam's) favorite book as of late. Shoot snow spots with popguns? Doesn't sound very clever to me!
Jen a sweater can't be cute unless it is worn by Cheryl's neice. Don't you know the rules :)
OK OK...but the sweater is WAY to small for her! So, if she had worn it, it would be cute! Is that better Beth?
While you're away at work, Jason, I'll have to work on Adam. ;) The Cat in the Hat is sooo naughty!! I suppose labor relations could be viewed the same way. (Don't remember about the ducks. I'll have to go look. Did I embarrass myself?)
I'd have to say 'Green Eggs and Ham' was our Dr. Seuss fave. I bet Tim STILL knows all the rhymes!
Btw...didn't I give Liza 'Click, Clack, Moo'? Maybe I unleashed it upon your household. SHE thought it was funny!
In addition to Click Clack Moo, I believe you also unleashed opon us "The stinky cheese man" Where do you come up with these?
I believe we have sufficiently hijacked Jen's blog. Now what's this about a sweater?
What a BLOG!!!!!!!!!!
What a BLOG??????????
Click and Clack---I thought they had a car show on Saturday mornings.
You know--call in and tell them your car problem and they tell you how to fix it.
Now--to the Stinky Cheese Man,
Is that maybe referencing that boy that lives with the long haired cows who live with the person who makes sweaters?
Now here's the real story:
Last week when the
What are you looking for? The rest of the story.
************The End****************
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