Monday, February 27, 2006

Who is invisible?

Are you a mom? Do you ever feel invisible? Like no one really knows that you do exist? I mean, where do the folded clothes come from? Where does dinner come from? Who picks them up after school or practice? WHO buys the food????....Get the picture? Well, I feel that way many days, just my lot in life I often think or thought then I bought a little "coffee table" book called The Invisible Woman. In this book it speaks of the great cathedrals that were built between 1050-1350. The beautiful cathedrals that are toured by so many people. I am not familiar with all the cathedrals, I am sure that other people can fill us in on more detail on them. In the book it points out the many years it took to build the cathedrals. Many of them had people working on them whose names were never know and who were forgotten a long time ago. It talks of the architects who started them and died before they were completed. They NEVER got to see their lives work complete. The stained glass in them that took a century to make in some of them that the artist never saw them in the completed cathedrals. We marvel at these amazing works of art. Yet many of them have no history of the "invisible" architect. Do you think they ever thought that these would be so grand and so many people would travel to see them and tour them? The point of the book is the invisible mother works so hard, is not "seen" by her children, they don't realize how much work and effort that mom puts in everyday. Things just "happen"...Hmmmm...It really made me realize that I will never see the finished product of my children, that is the point of parenting. We work so hard at teaching them, training them, praying for them...And we will never see the completed work. God sees it. God is the only one who will see the completed work of our own personal "cathedrals" Invisible architects yup, that is what we are as moms. Yes, I know that the kids really do "see" me, it was just a really interesting new way to look at is and think of the parenting that I do on an everyday basis. I really wish I knew how to put one of those really cool cathedral pictures on here for you to admire but, I am not computer savvy enough to get one on! So, you need to picture a great cathedral in your own mind!


Beth said...

That's a really good illustration! I haven't been taking care of any kids yet, but I do know what's its like for doing my housemates/roommates share of housework through the years. That's when I learned I could either do it begrudgingly or I could do it for God- and it was a good lesson (and training for the future).

BethsMomToo said...

You're right. We need to keep our eyes on 'the big picture'. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom...with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do ALL in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." I remember the day (as a young wife and Mom) when those verses first penetrated into my heart. My entire attitude changed...and life became a lot more enjoyable! It's where your focus is that matters, not what the task is.

Nikki said...

I think people are slacking in general on their comments