Apparently normal vision is 0.0 that would be 20/20. Because she is unable to read (only because of her age!) they are not able to measure her that way so we needed to do a dilation of the eyes for 3 days (to make sure the medicine really penetrated the eyes) Then I had to take her in a 6:45 AM!! To have her eyes measured and see just how off they were. WELL...If you are wondering how we knew that she needed glasses her left eye started crossing very badly about a 2 months ago. So, I called to get her in. A 4 week wait! Meanwhile it was getting worse AND then in the past couple of weeks her right eye started! It was very sad seeing her look that way. So, the Dr. Measured her eyes. Whoa... Her eyes are BAD! One was 5.5 and the other is 6.0. I believe that 6.0 is legally blind. Pretty amazing that they can figure those things out! Ahh...The wonders of the medical world.
We picked up the glasses yesterday...She can see! How amazing it is to me what she couldn't see but she was able to do, all by sound and touch and her other senses. God is so good! If you didn't know her and saw her without her glasses you would wonder why her eyes were crossed. Most people were polite, but you could see the faces of people in the store when she looked at them and smiled with her severely crossed eyes!! They were probably wondering if I noticed it! The optometrist held the lenses up to my eyes so I could see how she sees. I was in such shock. I couldn't speak! Unusual for me... (just for those of you who are going to yell at me, don't!! I did see a pediatric opthomologist, my friend opened an eyeglass store so I needed to get the glasses from her!) I can see how she knew things but everything was blurry! I walked into my parents house to show them. She stopped and stared at the fireplace. Looking very intensely at it! She had only seen a big red wall before, now she can see all the little bricks. I wish she could speak to me so that I can know just what she is thinking. But on the other hand I am so glad that she is so little that after the next few weeks she will not remember that her world was such a blur for 17 months!
God is so good!
That is the cutest thing ever! I love little kids in glasses. I remember when I got my first pair. I was amazed at all the things that I'd never seen before. I had no idea that people could see the individual leaves on trees!
We had them adjusted again, now they actually stay in front of her eyes! she doen'st look like a little old lady trying to look over her glasses...and she keeps them on now!!yay
I really like the new look! Pretty soon she'll be wanting contacts...look out :)
That is what your mom said today Kelsey. I wish that she could communicate better! I know that looking at people she knows it fascinating to her! She looks and just takes it ALL in, it is GREAT!!
Oh yeah, I jsut made "Oliver Twists" for the commisioning service after church tonight! Thought you would like to know that!!
Little girls in glasses just slays me. And Claire is NO EXCEPTION! I think she looks DARLING and I want to eat her up!
Did she have problems getting around? She always seemed to be in your arms, but hey, she's 17 months. Is she getting around any better or seem to be playing more? Is she walking yet? (I have no idea when kids start walking). If she isn't it would be interesting if she started to walk- "hmm... now that I can actually see what's over there- I may want to get over there!"
She was great in Toddler nursery last Sunday. She didn't fiddle with her glasses at all. I was trying to remember what she was like in Nursery "before glasses", but all I can remember is you holding her in your lap or her not being in there. She just moved up to Toddlers, didn't she?
I had never noticed she was having any problems, but she never played the "Costine" games [hey...you've never "done" Toddler Nursery until you've learned all the "Costine" games! ;)]
I got my first glasses in High School, but I, too, remember seeing the leaves on the trees for the first time on the ride home. It was amazing to me!
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