So, today is the day! Am I old enough? Abby is 13!! Where has the time gone? Too fast. She is forming her own opinions about things, keeping a diary! she has secrets I don't know about anymore! I used to be the one she told her secrets does that happen? She is turning into quite a lady! And a God honoring one at that! What a joy to see!!
I really don't believe that she is 13! too fast, too fast! I think that her turning 13 is harder than it was for me to turn 30 (just a few short years ago!) But, my kids still think I am 29 :) to get balloons to place on her locker, I think she will love it! :)
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Well, we are back! What a wonderful time we had in Guatemala. No one got really sick (slightly but not bad) No one was hurt! And we all had a chance to work as a team with a group from Grand Rapids...What a treat that was! The 5 mile ride up the mountain everyday took us about 45 min. Sometimes longer sometimes not quite as long! It all depended on the traffic that day! It was a 1 lane road so, when you met another car you needed to pull over! Very interesting as you approach the BIG drop off.
So, what did we do? We built a school :) The school that the kids are in right now is on both sides of the road and the main building was on a mans land (with permission) they had been there for 30 years (or so) The man died and his son wants AMG to move the school. So, they are. We arrived on Monday at the site there was 1 exterior wall and 2 end walls that were standing. And a small room had been started. We needed to at least do all the brick work before we left on Thursday afternoon. Yeah, Right! funny how we can think that way not excepting God to truly be in control of ALL things. We quickly set to work on Monday there were a bunch of natives already there working. Some were there all day and others floated in as they were able. They are such grateful people and can't do enough for us what a true blessing they were to work with and get to know a little bit! By the end of the day Monday we had 2 rooms completed. Good progress I thought! (one of the men from Grand Rapids is a mason by trade) that helps!! :) I worked with him for the day on Monday and most of the day Tuesday.
Tuesday we started the other rooms. And completed them! Wow...I thought it wouldn't happen oh me of little faith! We visited with the children as they floated in and out of the school area! They are so excited for their new school to be able to use! They came everyday with little gifts of pictures, candy and even a little teacup for me! The little girl went home to see what she had that was precious to her that she wanted to give to me! How sweet. And if you don't take these things you offend them! kids could learn a lot. (we all could learn a lot!)By the end of the second day we were exhausted!
Wednesday we back filled holes that had been dug for the footings. I used a pick axe! Ha...What fun! And I still have all my limbs and so does everyone who worked around me! We threw dirt back into the rooms to level the floors for when the concrete is to be poured. It looked pretty good. I didn't help with the bricks because they were working on a wall that would not be seen. It took a good part of the day for that wall to go up too. There were a lot of little cuts that needed to be put into it, as well as the electrical box and other things. At 2:00 we had a program to attend at the old school WOW!! They really put their hearts into it. it was great, No we could not understand what they were singing or saying but, how encouraging it was it really got is fired up to work harder for them as we were working the rest of the day. We had nice surprises during the days of fresh fruit! Oh...Pineapple will never be the same again! We were exhausted but it was worth every minute of it on Wednesday.
Thursday we only worked half a day. We needed to be out of there by noon. (yeah right) tell that to the Gualemalains who really don't have a time schedule. They were coming in all morning at a steady stream, watching the progress and helping where they could. We started cleaning up and packing up the kids were getting sad. And so were we! Hugs and more hugs...They couldn't seem to get enough of them and we couldn't either! We were told that the kitchen ladies were coming up the mountain with a cake for us, so we needed to wait for them to get there. It was worth the wait! It was amazing to me to sit and eat a cake with about 50 kids watching you, and they didn't even ask for 1 bite! Do that in the US and the kids would be having a little temper tantrum! The cake was amazing. We had more picture and a few more pictures and a couple more hugs, we really had to run into the van to leave. It was great!
God is so good! There is no way that the school could have had as much done on it if it weren't for Him. I know what we did for the people in Guatemala, but what they did for us was so much more! Watching them work, sing, help where ever they could...It will leave a lasting mark forever! Such giving people. Getting up at 5:45 everyday working and doing devotions at 8:00 visiting with the other people and going to bed at 11:00 (or 1:00 if the gun shots were too loud!) and really not feeling tired and getting up excited to work and do it happily was amazing, for the morning person that I am
During our devotion time every night we sang old hymns! Oh, how beautiful they sound acapella. I had a few moments where emotion took over, I think that I controlled it pretty well. But, it was amazing to sit and listen to everyone sing. The group that we were with were all incredible singers. And you could tell by listening to them that they were not doing it for themselves but for God's glory! We sang each night for at least 30 minutes, and had great discussion on the Bible study for the day, they were about serving God in other countries, What is joy?, Who are the missionaries...It was good, the discussion would last for about 45 min. Then we would head off to sit by the pool and talk some more. (with large bats flying over head) I think it was more fun for them to watch me cower into Phil's lap each time a bat went over head than the discussion we were all having. All in all it was a wonderful time of spiritual growth, learning to depend more on God, in all areas of my life! And making wonderful friendship that I know will last forever! And beyond...
Speaking of friendships...This group of people that we met down there to work with 9 of them only 2 were in there 30's and the rest were 50 and older one was 69, on his first missions trip. Him name is Bus. What a neat guy! 69 years old and on his first missions trip, and can't wait to go back. Wow...We could all learn a lot from him, Dan is 68, Quite a worker as well! They all work hard, retired men who want to serve the Lord in a great way! All the way in Guatemala! WOW...
Karen the other girl on the trip was just a couple years older than me, and a work horse! I felt a little sick on Thursday while we were at the site. She was very concerned for me! I didn't want to complain about not feeling well, BUT she kept making sure that I was not overdoing it! Very caring!!
OK...There is so much more to write, but I will save it for later!

So, what did we do? We built a school :) The school that the kids are in right now is on both sides of the road and the main building was on a mans land (with permission) they had been there for 30 years (or so) The man died and his son wants AMG to move the school. So, they are. We arrived on Monday at the site there was 1 exterior wall and 2 end walls that were standing. And a small room had been started. We needed to at least do all the brick work before we left on Thursday afternoon. Yeah, Right! funny how we can think that way not excepting God to truly be in control of ALL things. We quickly set to work on Monday there were a bunch of natives already there working. Some were there all day and others floated in as they were able. They are such grateful people and can't do enough for us what a true blessing they were to work with and get to know a little bit! By the end of the day Monday we had 2 rooms completed. Good progress I thought! (one of the men from Grand Rapids is a mason by trade) that helps!! :) I worked with him for the day on Monday and most of the day Tuesday.
Tuesday we started the other rooms. And completed them! Wow...I thought it wouldn't happen oh me of little faith! We visited with the children as they floated in and out of the school area! They are so excited for their new school to be able to use! They came everyday with little gifts of pictures, candy and even a little teacup for me! The little girl went home to see what she had that was precious to her that she wanted to give to me! How sweet. And if you don't take these things you offend them! kids could learn a lot. (we all could learn a lot!)By the end of the second day we were exhausted!
Wednesday we back filled holes that had been dug for the footings. I used a pick axe! Ha...What fun! And I still have all my limbs and so does everyone who worked around me! We threw dirt back into the rooms to level the floors for when the concrete is to be poured. It looked pretty good. I didn't help with the bricks because they were working on a wall that would not be seen. It took a good part of the day for that wall to go up too. There were a lot of little cuts that needed to be put into it, as well as the electrical box and other things. At 2:00 we had a program to attend at the old school WOW!! They really put their hearts into it. it was great, No we could not understand what they were singing or saying but, how encouraging it was it really got is fired up to work harder for them as we were working the rest of the day. We had nice surprises during the days of fresh fruit! Oh...Pineapple will never be the same again! We were exhausted but it was worth every minute of it on Wednesday.
Thursday we only worked half a day. We needed to be out of there by noon. (yeah right) tell that to the Gualemalains who really don't have a time schedule. They were coming in all morning at a steady stream, watching the progress and helping where they could. We started cleaning up and packing up the kids were getting sad. And so were we! Hugs and more hugs...They couldn't seem to get enough of them and we couldn't either! We were told that the kitchen ladies were coming up the mountain with a cake for us, so we needed to wait for them to get there. It was worth the wait! It was amazing to me to sit and eat a cake with about 50 kids watching you, and they didn't even ask for 1 bite! Do that in the US and the kids would be having a little temper tantrum! The cake was amazing. We had more picture and a few more pictures and a couple more hugs, we really had to run into the van to leave. It was great!
God is so good! There is no way that the school could have had as much done on it if it weren't for Him. I know what we did for the people in Guatemala, but what they did for us was so much more! Watching them work, sing, help where ever they could...It will leave a lasting mark forever! Such giving people. Getting up at 5:45 everyday working and doing devotions at 8:00 visiting with the other people and going to bed at 11:00 (or 1:00 if the gun shots were too loud!) and really not feeling tired and getting up excited to work and do it happily was amazing, for the morning person that I am
During our devotion time every night we sang old hymns! Oh, how beautiful they sound acapella. I had a few moments where emotion took over, I think that I controlled it pretty well. But, it was amazing to sit and listen to everyone sing. The group that we were with were all incredible singers. And you could tell by listening to them that they were not doing it for themselves but for God's glory! We sang each night for at least 30 minutes, and had great discussion on the Bible study for the day, they were about serving God in other countries, What is joy?, Who are the missionaries...It was good, the discussion would last for about 45 min. Then we would head off to sit by the pool and talk some more. (with large bats flying over head) I think it was more fun for them to watch me cower into Phil's lap each time a bat went over head than the discussion we were all having. All in all it was a wonderful time of spiritual growth, learning to depend more on God, in all areas of my life! And making wonderful friendship that I know will last forever! And beyond...
Speaking of friendships...This group of people that we met down there to work with 9 of them only 2 were in there 30's and the rest were 50 and older one was 69, on his first missions trip. Him name is Bus. What a neat guy! 69 years old and on his first missions trip, and can't wait to go back. Wow...We could all learn a lot from him, Dan is 68, Quite a worker as well! They all work hard, retired men who want to serve the Lord in a great way! All the way in Guatemala! WOW...
Karen the other girl on the trip was just a couple years older than me, and a work horse! I felt a little sick on Thursday while we were at the site. She was very concerned for me! I didn't want to complain about not feeling well, BUT she kept making sure that I was not overdoing it! Very caring!!
OK...There is so much more to write, but I will save it for later!
Friday, March 10, 2006
Pin cushion!
Ouch! We are headed to Guatemala for a missions trip shortly so we need to make sure that our immunization are up to date. WELL...After today they are. My left arm is so sore. I only had to get 2 shots but man do they hurt... I forgot how much they hurt last time we went. Phil thought that he was not getting any just the malaria prescription, hahaha he was wrong. His look was a little funny when she told him he needed shots too. (I tried not to laugh) he told me in the car on the way there that he didn't need any but I would need a few. I only needed 2 and one is good forever and the other one is good for 3 years. I am not too sure if Phil got 2 or 3 shots today. BUT, we are up to date and can safely head to Guatemala!!
I think that after today when the kids get shots I will make sure to take EXTRA special care of them. It hurts to even type this. How ridicules is that? I guess that when they say that the kids can be cranky from shots, they really know what they are talking about. Adults can be cranky too!! Just look at me :)
OK...just wanted to tell you all that I am a human pin cushion.
I think that after today when the kids get shots I will make sure to take EXTRA special care of them. It hurts to even type this. How ridicules is that? I guess that when they say that the kids can be cranky from shots, they really know what they are talking about. Adults can be cranky too!! Just look at me :)
OK...just wanted to tell you all that I am a human pin cushion.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
LOOK who has some cute new glasses!
Well it is official Claire has her new glasses. It is a challenge...You try keeping them on a baby!! You would think that because she can see things properly now that she would keep them on but...:)
Apparently normal vision is 0.0 that would be 20/20. Because she is unable to read (only because of her age!) they are not able to measure her that way so we needed to do a dilation of the eyes for 3 days (to make sure the medicine really penetrated the eyes) Then I had to take her in a 6:45 AM!! To have her eyes measured and see just how off they were. WELL...If you are wondering how we knew that she needed glasses her left eye started crossing very badly about a 2 months ago. So, I called to get her in. A 4 week wait! Meanwhile it was getting worse AND then in the past couple of weeks her right eye started! It was very sad seeing her look that way. So, the Dr. Measured her eyes. Whoa... Her eyes are BAD! One was 5.5 and the other is 6.0. I believe that 6.0 is legally blind. Pretty amazing that they can figure those things out! Ahh...The wonders of the medical world.
We picked up the glasses yesterday...She can see! How amazing it is to me what she couldn't see but she was able to do, all by sound and touch and her other senses. God is so good! If you didn't know her and saw her without her glasses you would wonder why her eyes were crossed. Most people were polite, but you could see the faces of people in the store when she looked at them and smiled with her severely crossed eyes!! They were probably wondering if I noticed it! The optometrist held the lenses up to my eyes so I could see how she sees. I was in such shock. I couldn't speak! Unusual for me... (just for those of you who are going to yell at me, don't!! I did see a pediatric opthomologist, my friend opened an eyeglass store so I needed to get the glasses from her!) I can see how she knew things but everything was blurry! I walked into my parents house to show them. She stopped and stared at the fireplace. Looking very intensely at it! She had only seen a big red wall before, now she can see all the little bricks. I wish she could speak to me so that I can know just what she is thinking. But on the other hand I am so glad that she is so little that after the next few weeks she will not remember that her world was such a blur for 17 months!
God is so good!

Apparently normal vision is 0.0 that would be 20/20. Because she is unable to read (only because of her age!) they are not able to measure her that way so we needed to do a dilation of the eyes for 3 days (to make sure the medicine really penetrated the eyes) Then I had to take her in a 6:45 AM!! To have her eyes measured and see just how off they were. WELL...If you are wondering how we knew that she needed glasses her left eye started crossing very badly about a 2 months ago. So, I called to get her in. A 4 week wait! Meanwhile it was getting worse AND then in the past couple of weeks her right eye started! It was very sad seeing her look that way. So, the Dr. Measured her eyes. Whoa... Her eyes are BAD! One was 5.5 and the other is 6.0. I believe that 6.0 is legally blind. Pretty amazing that they can figure those things out! Ahh...The wonders of the medical world.
We picked up the glasses yesterday...She can see! How amazing it is to me what she couldn't see but she was able to do, all by sound and touch and her other senses. God is so good! If you didn't know her and saw her without her glasses you would wonder why her eyes were crossed. Most people were polite, but you could see the faces of people in the store when she looked at them and smiled with her severely crossed eyes!! They were probably wondering if I noticed it! The optometrist held the lenses up to my eyes so I could see how she sees. I was in such shock. I couldn't speak! Unusual for me... (just for those of you who are going to yell at me, don't!! I did see a pediatric opthomologist, my friend opened an eyeglass store so I needed to get the glasses from her!) I can see how she knew things but everything was blurry! I walked into my parents house to show them. She stopped and stared at the fireplace. Looking very intensely at it! She had only seen a big red wall before, now she can see all the little bricks. I wish she could speak to me so that I can know just what she is thinking. But on the other hand I am so glad that she is so little that after the next few weeks she will not remember that her world was such a blur for 17 months!
God is so good!
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