Nikki brought me to the best hamburger place in the west. (ok, so a little corny there but it was really good) I had been told that if she didn't bring me there then she would be in trouble. I guess that when someone was out of the country for a missions trip a few years back, when he was back in the states it was the first stop he made. Is that right Tim?
Well...we went to In n Out. It isn't really as fast as the name makes it sound. Actually I think they have to go out and heard the cows and then bring them to the slaughter house let the meat hang for a bit and then ground the burger cook it up, then they call your number. OK...not that bad, but certainly not "in and out" like the sign claims.
So here are a couple pictures of the place. and you can visit their online store at hmmm...must be a good place to eat if they have a web site. I must say it was a great burger! and they made the potato fries fresh I even watched them slice them up! (french fries)

Boy! I sure look tired in that picture!
Well, that is all the pictures of the trip that I am going to be posting! So, I hope that you enjoyed the trip, I know I did. Now next time, I am definitly going to see Tim and Leah! I promise (it may be 10 years or so BUT I promise!)