Nikki brought me to the best hamburger place in the west. (ok, so a little corny there but it was really good) I had been told that if she didn't bring me there then she would be in trouble. I guess that when someone was out of the country for a missions trip a few years back, when he was back in the states it was the first stop he made. Is that right Tim?
Well...we went to In n Out. It isn't really as fast as the name makes it sound. Actually I think they have to go out and heard the cows and then bring them to the slaughter house let the meat hang for a bit and then ground the burger cook it up, then they call your number. OK...not that bad, but certainly not "in and out" like the sign claims.
So here are a couple pictures of the place. and you can visit their online store at hmmm...must be a good place to eat if they have a web site. I must say it was a great burger! and they made the potato fries fresh I even watched them slice them up! (french fries)

Boy! I sure look tired in that picture!
Well, that is all the pictures of the trip that I am going to be posting! So, I hope that you enjoyed the trip, I know I did. Now next time, I am definitly going to see Tim and Leah! I promise (it may be 10 years or so BUT I promise!)
My single two biggest determining factors in finding a good "Eatery."
#1. Friendly, competent servers.
#2. Great, Great Hamburgers
#3. Clean facilities.
T-Bones and Cactus Jack's meet those factors. La Caretta's (No Hambugers here) is great even without hamburgers.
You Know Who.
When is IN-N-OUT expanding to the east coast and specifically to NH?
Isn't that a great place!! I ALWAYS want to eat there when I'm on the West Coast. The reason it takes a little longer is because your burger is made fresh-to-order. Now that is an old fashioned concept, I know, but these burgers are JUST like the ones of my childhood. They have TASTE and the buns are not squishy, and they are TOASTED!! And the fries are REAL. mouth is watering!!
yes, that is correct. It was my tradition that whenever I landed back in LA, the first place I went to was In 'n Out. I've been fortunate that the two places I have lived at have been very close to an in 'n out, as most places are in this area.
but I bring bad news. they are not expanding. they are just in this area with a couple in Arizona and Nevada. They are also owned by a Christian. did you notice the verse on the bottome of your cup?
but yes, I do believe that In 'n Out has the finest burgers at a great price. I've even been there when they were calling out a number and no one was responding. Eventually I went up and said, "look, this guy isn't getting his food and your probably just going to toss it. (wink wink)' and the guy would nudge it towards me or give me a look and say he didn't see anything. I've done that twice. free meals.
i love in 'n out and everyone should come to california to experience them. and while they''re out here they should visit me!
All true things said about In-N-Out. When I got back from Israel, we ate at an In-N-Out just minutes from LAX. In fact, I haven't eaten there in more than two weeks! What's going on?! AHhhhhhhh!!
Yeah, I'd have to agree with all the other "Californians" about In-n-Out. It's great. Whoa... I guess I'm technically a Californian now too. Weird. Jen, it was SO great to see you out here and I'm glad you could come! Can't wait to see you at Christmas, Lord-willing!
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