Well Monday was a day of adventure! We headed to Hollywood. OK...So we went, walked around did a few touristy things and headed home. It reminded me of some bad parts of Boston. I don't think I would want to bring my kids there. (call me crazy) I did see parents there with little kids. (most of them lived in the area and were shopping, there is a great mall there) The tourists' for the most part were without kids. I think I would have a breakdown in mine were there...The traffic is FAST!
We ate at a great place for lunch called the California Kitchen (I think) Nikki will correct me if I am wrong. Right out side of the restaurant is a scenic view...No signs like we have here in NH, you just see it. Take a look!

We walked the "Famous" walk of the stars...


We also walked on the "hand prints" and "foot prints" of famous actors and actress' I only was able to get a picture of Mel Gibson's prints...There were too many people milling around and you really couldn't see them clearly (OK...There were some of older people who I didn't know so, why take a picture of them? ;) BUT...This is what I took.

This is also where all the premiers are and the Oscars...The famous "RED CARPET". It looks a little different without the carpeting. Sorry I didn't get a picutre of the whole front of the building. and oh, I forgot to mention...;) there was a premiere that night. They were starting to get ready for it when we were leaving the mall. We came out of the exit and looked to the right and saw....

YES!! It's the red carpet~too cool!!
So, Hollywood was a fun place to go and see so that I can check it off on the "list of things to do" but...The best part of the day was eating the Gelato!!!!!!

So true about the humidity! I remember when I was in Utah, the air was so dry that it didn't feel that hot.
a little disclaimer about the Robin Williams star...my friends name is Robin Williams so, I took the picture for her and I am going to personalize it and frame it for ny friend Robin...just in case anyone was wondering!
Yeah, I spent a summer in Idaho- it was very dry, and just when it got to be a little uncomfortable the afternoon breeze would start up like clockwork. You didn't feel hot- you just felt the sun beating down on you. The only drawback was I got a bad case of dandruff because it was so dry- and it took a while to clean all the sand out of my hair and ears!
you know what the best part of your trip was? when you came and saw tim and leah's church.... wait.... YOU DIDN'T!
yeah, well...time, it was all about the time! We were busy really busy and the only time you could fit me in to your schedule was Monday evening!! so there...;)
I really did want to get to see you out in your element. I didn't even say bye to you out here because I thought that I would see you at your home! next time I promise!!
I understand "Hollywood" has improved considerably since Rick, Rachel and Tim did their "pre-college" visit. T&L drove me through it during my last visit out there, and Tim pointed out the improvements. But, I am with you...they've got a looong way to go! Pretty much they've got the historic Theater with its stars and hand/footprints and the new Theater where they hold the Adademy Awards. That's it! Did you get to drive through Burbank or any of the nicer areas of LA? Didja check out the LA County Art Museum (and La Brea Tar Pits) or the Getty or the Huntington? If not...next trip!! [You'll HAVE to bring me along as tour guide. ;) I looove going to those places (and my West Coast family, except for Leah, finds them LESS than interesting...can you IMAGINE?!]
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