Friday, September 08, 2006


I can't be so jealous of Beth for having a little baby, I think that I may take this baby thing to heart too much! We seem to be overrun with females in this house...and well even ouranimal population seems to be more of the X instead of the Y. Go figure! Well, we had a little (big) bull born last night. These animals amaze me, one minute we are out there and nothing is happening and then you can walk outside an hour or two later and there is an animal nursing on his mom. I would love to actually see one born, but...that is the beauty of this type of cow that they can labor and deliver all by themselves. (I guess that is a good thing and we are not out there at 2 am delivering a calf right?) No weight measurements yet, name we can do, it is going to be Echo of Old Homestead Farm. Or the proper way is Old Homestead Echo. Is that right Phil? He is the cutest calf yet, ok so I think I am partial to the little black ones! We had one born in July and it is a bottle baby still, she is adorable and much more of a pet than a farm animal. I will get some pictures of her on here too. but for now I will put up pictures of Mocha the Mom, Lily the BIG sister and Baby Echo. (anyone who is anyone will know why Phil choose the name Echo.)




Click on the images to see them better if you would like and oh, Lily was born last year 2005 the week before Easter (that is why the name Lily) Notice the size of her? And look at the size of Echo not too shabby! (I didn't say shaggy)


1 comment:

BethsMomToo said...

You're may miss seeing the birth, but neither do they need you there to help. After all those years of January lambings in the barn, freezing our bippies off, I envy YOU! We saw lots and lots of births, but we also did lots of worrying until the babies were dry, up and nursing. I like your way better!