Thursday, December 07, 2006

I can't believe it is almost time

Well, tomorrow my husband and 2 older children will be boarding a plane and head down to Guatemala. You may remember I wrote about this trip back in the spring. I am a having a little twang of jealousy right now. I really wanted to go however, this time of the year is not a time to farm the rest of the kids out. Next year I am going and I can't wait to get back down there!

So, today is going to consist on getting loads of laundry done and packed for them. We are trying to remind the girls that it is a very poor country and they don't need to have so much stuff to bring with them. However, Dad needs to remember that he is bringing 2 of my offspring so lightly packing is going to be hard! :) (no tension here!) They were looking forward to the warm weather down there, and I was informed that they are having a cold snap. So not too many shorts are heading down with them!

Pray for the kids and the adults as they are distributing these packages. What a joy it will be for them to help give these necessities to these children and family's. (Maybe tour kids will see just how spoiled they really are) Pray for safety health and that they will see God honored through this whole process. I am so excited for them.

A lot of people have asked me if I am scared...My answer to that? Why would I be scared? God is in control, what better place to be then in the center of God's will? The place I wouldn't want to be is outside of that will. That would make me scared.
We know where they are going I have been there, Phil has been there and will be with them. I just wish it was me instead (or also)!!

Something else to pray for while they are gone. Me...Here with the 4 little kids. Meg would hate to hear me say that but...! I am looking forward not to have all the "extra" runs to school to pick kids up for sports or running to the basketball games. (yes, the season has started!) I guess I will sort of be on a vacation as well! :)

Well, I need to do some laundry thanks in advance for praying for this trip, and also thanks to those of you who have been praying all along on our journey!


Beth said...

I will be praying! Funny how being "down to just four kids" is a "vacation"! It's all relative! You would probably find working full time and having a baby a piece of cake!

Jen said...

I am not so sure of that! babies are a full time job all be themselves! :)

And just to clarify. I am not really meaning that they are on a vacation. It just always seems to feel that way from the person who isn't going! :) they are going to be busy busy busy!!

Nikki said...

I'm sure you will miss them! Cool though that when you see their pictures, it will be like you were there with them because you've been there before :)