Sunday, December 03, 2006

Guess What!

Hey Everyone who reads this. Check out Nikkis blog. She is back YEA!! So, would you like an update on the craft fair? Well, the first weekend was a great success considering we really didn't promote it. We all had sales except for Dad, however he made up for it yesterday. He had the sales! Way to go Dad! And that leads me to the rest of us crafters, we all had a sale (yes you read that right A sale) not sales but, next weekend will be different! I hope. We are advertising in 5 local papers and putting more signs up to promote it. So, once again if you are in the area come on by. And don't forget to check out Nikki's blog while you are here!


Nikki said...

you are too much sometimes Jen :)

Jen said...

Hey, gotta get some traffic back ther for you somehow!

Nikki said...

ya, I kind of lost my following ;)

Nikki said...

ok, time for a new post! stop slacking...its not like you have anything else to do ;)

Jen said...

wow Nikki, looks like you are enjoying the blogging thing again! ;)