Saturday, July 02, 2005
Home show coming up soon!!!
OK, guys who read this! don't laugh!! Everyone else!! I need your input!!! I am having a home show on July 22, I was talked into it! I am not so sure, I need some ideas!!!! Colors what sorts of colors are "hot" what are you looking for when you go out? Matching sets earrings bracelet and necklace or just one piece. I need input!!! Let me know! Also, let me know what you think of the pieces that are on the blog so that I can know what people are looking for!!! Thanks for the input in advance, I have not had any comments lately!! Let me know!
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I think matching sets are good, but maybe only two pieces. Like earrings and necklace or bracelet and necklace. And the brown/pink combo is very hot right now. I have plans in the works for a brown and pink felted bag. Which gets me thinking, maybe we should talk about a necklace to match it...
anything incorporating the dallas cowboys colors should be good. maybe you could make to hugely enormous guady dallas stars... also, anything in a tweed or a mauve should go well.
Hey Tim, thanks for the "hot" tip. I will make a special Dallas set for Leah!
Cheryl, thanks I am working on a brown andpink piece, great idea! Thanks!!
Kath has a pearl (freshwater?) bracelet interspersed with flat gold discs I might want you to make. But I'd need an estimate first. I'll borrow it to show you.
Oh, and Tim's always had a certain "fashion sense", though he tended toward the "Monochromatic Look" for a major phase of his life. He was IN waaay before everyone else on that one. But if you want to be successful, I'd listen to Cheryl. Tim is just too cutting edge, avant-garde...
I don't have any comments on jewelry, but I'm posting a comment so you don't think I'm dissing your blog. Love it. Love your blog. I know who to call when I start my experiments in the world of canning later this summer!
OK OK enough of making fun on me! I said guys don't laugh, I guess I forgot to say guys don't make fun! Orange yeah I can so that!, maybe the one earring for Jay should be in orange! :) (only if you wear it in Ecuador!)
Thanks for looking at the blog though!
Since you make earrings in pairs I will share mine with BuilderBob.
We need ORANGE for next week.
We need to match the ORANGE shirts and ORANGE shoes and ORANGE hair (Do you still have that ORANGE hair coloring?)
And yes--Home Depot ORANGE is the way to go.
???Who is Sidney Carmichael???
Thanks Dad! if you want a pair I will make a pair for you, but I told Jay he had to wear his in Ecuador!
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