So, I came across this song and I have been thinking about putting it on the blog! I love Chris Rice, if you know me you should know that! I think that his songs are great the word to his song can really get you thinking about what is going on inside your head, why we are here and what is in store for us! So, this song really sparked an interest for me. I pray for my kids, on a daily basis. I tell my kids that I pray for them, they seen me pray for them, and with them. Do they get it? I am not sure. My parents prayed for me, they let me know and I know that it is the power of prayer on their behalf the has me where I am today! I know that without at doubt Mom and Dad were praying for me and I know that they still are. I want my kids to know that I pray for them I daily that they will become Christ like, I pray that as they mature in their walk with God that others will see it in their lives. I pray that when they grow up that they will marry Godly people, and will want to serve Him together! My kids know that I pray for them but do they really know that I pray for them? I think that is one of the things that we see hind sight as we get older. I think that we take it for granted that Mom and Dad pray for us. Those are such powerful words and do they really get it? I know still to this day that my parents pray for me. They have been such an example of prayer over the years! I thank God for them every day as well! So, here is a challenge out there (for those of you who have kids, want kids, or someday will have them because you aren't married yet!) Pray for them. Start now! Let them know that you are praying for them. Show them that you are praying for them. So, with that challenge, here is the song.
My memories of my brothers and me
Make me marvel at the way the years went by
Here we are, how'd we ever get this far?
I wonder how, and I wonder why
Then I recall what these boys often saw
When we would stop to look in Mom and Daddy's door
They'd bow their heads while they knelt beside their bed
And we could hear them lift our names before the Lord
Mama prayed and Jesus stood beside us
daddy prayed and the devil had to run
God looked down, and His angels guarded through the harder days
'Cause Mama prayed and Daddy prayed
Now the boys are grown raising boys of their own
In a world a little darker than before
But the prayers go on every night and every dawn
'Cause they still bow and lift our names before the Lord
Mama prays and Jesus stands beside us
Daddy prays and the devil has to run
God looks down and His angels guard us through the harder days
'Cause Mama prays and Daddy prays
Mama prays and Jesus stands beside me
Daddy prays and the devil has to run
God looks down and His angels guard me through the harder days
'Cause Mama prays and Daddy prays
And Jesus stands beside me
Mama prays and the devil has to run
God looks down and His angels guard me through the harder days
'Cause Mama prays and Daddy prays
Mama prays
And Daddy prays
Mama prays