Wednesday, January 03, 2007

well...what can I say?

I have been a little busy lately. Sorry! here is a quick update:

The craft fair called "The Guest House" is finished I think that we worked a few weeks more than we needed to. However, we did have a blast doing it and meeting new people who will hopefully be back next year for it. We did learn a few things that we will carry into it next year. Eric was the only one to sell everything that he made! Way to go Eric! He actually ran out of pens and had to make a few more the last day we were open. I think it was worth his time! :)

Guatemala went well. They all came home without incident! My family was the only one not to get sick while they were down there. I guess there was a nasty flu that came on extremely fast and took over your body for several hours. Then slowly allowed you to return back to health. They had a blast "life changing" as Abby said when we talked about it. I know that Betsy is feeling the same way, just not actually verbalizing it that way. I read her journal entries WOW!! how encouraging to read that and see how an eleven year old views life in a different culture! she can't wait to go back, and Phil can't either. He is in the process of making plans for us to go down again in just a few weeks. We will be there for a visit and also a work trip. I hope that we are able to do it! Pray for us will you?

What else? Oh yeah, I am now home schooling Megan Yes! you read that correctly I am the person who has always said that I would NEVER do that. Well, what is it that people say about never say never because that is what God will have you do.
Actually I don't think I ever said "I will never" I think that what I said was I don't think that it would be a good idea. God knows me and He knows better than allow me to do it. Well...I guess that is about the same as saying never right? We had our first day yesterday. It went well. I am very excited about it and the rest of the kids want to know why they can't be home schooled...let's just say that right now is not the time for it! CCS is a great place for them to be! :)

So, that is it in a nut shell. Hope it was enlightening for all of you that read this. I am really not sure who actually reads this but for those of you that do...I hope it keeps you happy until the next one. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!


BethsMomToo said...

I have been meaning to have Betsy tell about her experience in SS class, but the past 2 weeks she has been a tad late (ahem...ahem) and I have been well-launched into teaching the lesson. Tell her to remind me in two weeks. And have her bring any visuals that would be interesting for the class. [This week they will be listening to the visiting missionary while I am watching my daughter (and her beautiful haircut) be baptized.]

Btw... loyal reader of the BethsMomToo blog - no link? I guess I shouldn't complain because I don't tend to link blogs either, except for my kids [one of whom set up my updated blog for me!]. I DID have to change his wording a bit. ;)

Jen said...

yeah!! I kwow we have been a little late! sorry...Don't really know why, it isn't like us to be THAT late! We will definitly work harder! I promise...