I have no weight stats... BUT he is keeper, we aren't sure on the name yet, we need a little help. The mom's name is Shemariah, we need a good strong masculine name to follow. He will be a registered bull so, it will need to "look good" on the papers...
The name on the certificate will look like this: Old Homestead Name
So, Old Homestead Scotty was our first bull. You get the picture? We need your help!!
Here are a few pictures of the addition. Beth aren't they cute!! ;)


So, is anyone up for the challenge? We need a good name, give us your thoughts, and ideas!
Thanks!! I told you there would be cows!
Wilsons, CONGRATS on your new cow!!!
Do you think he looks like Jen's side of the family or Phil's?
I suggest:
Old Homestead Mark, or
Old Homestead Karl, or
Old Homestead Eglon (See Judges 3:17)
Hey, thanks Mark, we will put those into consideration! or the "hat"... I think he looks like Phil, what do you think? ;)
Let me re-post in reply to the cow message. Since the original reply was posted to the wrong place maybe the cows name should be Calvin
Signed, Anynonymouse-(great spelling)
Anonymous said...
Hey Jen,
How about Horatio as a name for the new calf.
Cute pictures.
Sort of looks like some of the cows I see where I live in Southern NH.
10:34 PM
Jen said...
We were thinking more like Johann, Sebastian or hmmm... KARL!
10:40 PM
Hey Anonymous....
These cows/calves ARE in Southern NH!
For a name I suggest Zebedee - my absolutely favorite male NT name (other than Timothy, of course). We once had a ram named Zebedee. It is an absolutely FUN name to say! (kinda tickles the lips ;)
PS Are you done with grocery shopping yet? ;)
Zebedee is a great name, I will put that one in the "hat"... as for grocery shopping... yeah I'm done but, I forgot to put things on my list off to the store again today!! Yipee...
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