The older I get the more that I realize that the information that you receive from people to help you grow and mature "mentor" as you will...Does not necessarily have to be older than you! I have been reading through blog posts... Checking out web sites, talking to people... ect ect ect. The words "reformed" "dispensation" "Calvinist" "covenantal"... And so on well... This is what I found and truly believe is what we are all trying to get to in one way or another and it really doesn't matter what the title is that we have on us does it? If we believe the same thing and are working to serve the same God and one day we will bow down and worship HIM! ahhh... The day!
This is what I found and yes, this is how I feel... I think the semantics of "Reformed", "Covenantal", "Dispensationalist", "Calvinist" purpose is only to let people vaguely know where you are coming from without having to explain everything every time. If you don't know where you are- definitely don't start labeling yourself. I notice that very few theologians like putting themselves in a category. I thought I was reformed last year- but then I realized all it entails (not just a Calvinistic view of the gospel- but lots of other stuff too). Now I'm realizing I'm not. It is important to be a Berean- when you hear teaching or teaching- go look it up in the Bible on your own. There is definitely false teaching and heresies being taught out there, and we are responsible as believers to recognize it. We are told to do so repeatedly in the Bible.
Wise words from a wise and yes younger friend!
That is my soap box and I am getting down now!!
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Hey Jen,
How about Horatio as a name for the new calf.
Cute pictures.
Sort of looks like some of the cows I see where I live in Southern NH.
We were thinking more like Johann, Sebastian or hmmm... KARL!
Jen your friend sounds like a moron.
As far as names go. I think it is entertaining to name your animals after your human friends. How about name the bull "Matt". Then when the bull gets a bad case of diarrhea- you can say "Matt has a bad case of diarrhea". It gets even more fun once breeding season starts.
OH, Beth... you just keeping getting funnier and funnier!! Old Homestead Matt... hmmm nice ring.
As for moron, if that is what you want to be called I will call you that! :)
Men = doctrine
Women = cooking & cleaning
Wife, get back to the dishes!
I know that wasn't Phil, he is out 39 miles on the water! No computer hook up... Thanks Dad!! ;)
Wireless! Now to the dishes!
No dishes... HA!
OK, whoever is posting as "karl and Phil" please use your name or "other" but please don't post as someone else, you may get someone in trouble... I think that I know who it may be, perhaps the person who stopped by approx. 5 min after the post that said no dishes... Karen...There really eren't dishes, just spilled milk!Anyway, please use your own name when posting or anonymous even "other".
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