So, we went to Boston yesterday. The BIG field trip. Boston is a great city, but when you go and are responsible for other peoples children walking around, it gets a little hmm.... unsettling! We did have a great day, I would do it again! Well, I guess as all the kids get into that class, I will do it! :)
We went to see the USS CONSTITUTION. What a ship. We were unable to have a tour of the ship, time constraints you know! And the "hands on" Museum was closed for renovations. So, the hour that we had planned there was more like 20 minutes! Oh well, it was a beautiful sunny warm day to walk around Boston, and get a sunburn! oops!!!
We really went down for the kids to walk through the Holocaust Monument which is at the end of the Freedom Trail in Boston, we were unable to do the whole Freedom Trail. That would take far too long by ourselves, let alone having to keep track of 30 kids! The monument was sobering to say the least. If you ever have a chance to go and see it I would highly recommend it. And, you may need to bring some tissues, I forgot them and was sorry. They did an incredible job with the monument. There were 6 Plexiglas columns, I am not sure how tall they were, but in the glass of each column they have the numbers of each person who was in the camps, etched into the glass. Each column represents a concentration camp. There are quotes of people on the ground and on the doors of each column. It was a very sobering thing to see.
There were other schools there as well. It was amazing seeing how each person was affected as they walked out of there. I would like to go back down and be able to really spend the time reading all the quotes and sayings they have etched in the path along the way. I am going to try to get some of our pictures on here for you to see, I didn't have my camera, has anyone seen it? It is gone! so, we used Phil's, and it is at work with him, which means that I am unable to put them on here for you to see. SORRY!! you can check it out on the side bar to the left.
Well, I guess that sums up the field trip! What is up next? WHO KNOWS!!
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We used to take the kids to Boston every spring to do part of the Freedom Trail. The Holocaust Memorial is new to me. (You'll have to tell me more about it.) The last year we went, we visited the cemetaries. After tromping around all day...seeing Sam Adams grave, Mother Goose's grave, exhausted Tim asked why couldn't they put all the famous dead people in the SAME cemetary! ;) Recently when he visited London coming back from his missions trip to Uganda, he called from Westminster to tell me the British had done it right!
It is really interseting to see, maybe we could take a day and go down. I really did enjoy it. And would like to spend more time at it, to see more of the writings.
Cemetaries for the famous dead... Yeah, they should all be in the same spot, if they are all in Boston, that would make it a whole lot easier!! ;)
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