Well, no matter what you say I have a bunch of kids and they keep me on my toes... and KNEES!!
So, yesterday we spent the day in the ER with our 2 year old Anna. 5 stitches! 4 hours. hmmmm.... every get the feeling that you are being watched? I was getting ready for a wedding, I told the kids I needed them to keep an eye on her... I needed a shower. Well, if you know Anna you know that you need to keep 2 eyes on her! She was trying to get her gummy bears... or gushy bears as she calls them ( they are her favorite) Well, I keep them out of reach so that they don't just eat the "gushy" bears) If you are following this. You can see what is about to happen right? Anna climbed up on the counter... (Who was watching her? they both forgot! ugh...) she opened the cabinet, well, I guess I have a few things up there that are there for "safe" keeping? Like my good crystal vase and a few other special things that I don't want broken. Can you see it? Well... mom in the shower, dad was outside working on a couple things, catching up because of all the rain! and well, wham... the vase fell she got scared! (I think)
Stepped on a piece of glass, and sliced her toe! It was pretty ugly!
We got into the car, went to the ER and they s-l-o-w-l-y waited on us. OK she is 2 how long do you think that a little kid is going to handle being at the hospital? All she wanted was a bandaid and a balloon! Well, first the nurse... what did she do? Well, she had her soak her foot for 45 min. then came in and told us the doctor would be in shortly... we waited.... and waited.... and waited.... he came in and looked at it 20 seconds maybe... said I need x-rays to make sure there is no glass, sounds good to me, that would hurt if there was glass in there still!
So, the x-ray tech came right in, took us down, snapped a few pictures, developed them, carried them to the doctor and handed them to him... simple right? it took maybe 20 minutes for all that to happen! YEAH we are moving along........ I thought....... we waited and waited and waited..... Anna started singing a doctor song. Please come in here... Doctor where are you... It worked... I thought, he came in and said " we just need to wait for a nurse to be free to help." Do you know how many nurses I saw walking around! I almost went out and stopped the next one to walk by the room and then call the doctor into the room, well, she started singing the nurse song!
They came in and stitched her up, 5 stitches in her BIG toe. ouch!! It took him 20 minutes to do it! Why the long wait... were we being watched, am I paranoid maybe but wouldn't you be? We left the hospital at 3:30 4 hours later! Hmmm... I think that I may say something!
A long day! I made it to the wedding, (remember the one I was starting to get ready for ...) Well, I made it to the reception! there were still a few people there! Oh Well, God had me where I needed to be! PRAYING for my children!
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At least Anna wasn't in pain. I took a friend to the ER last year- she was screaming and crying in pain had chest pains and difficulty breathing. I was wondering if I should have called an ambulance instead of driving her there. We get there and she is bent over, crying, barely breathing as several perfectly calm people are ushered into the ER. I talked to the nurses who decided who goes in a few times increasingly loosing my patience each time. My friend assured me that if she passed out they would let her in.
Fortunately, I a knew a trauma surgeron at the hospital and called her- she came down and helped fasciltate things, but still it was frustrating. My surgeon friend even told us the results of the various tests when the ER docs didn't tell us anything. I think ER is a place where it is ok to be pushy- I was hunting down nurses, hunting down Dr.s, I wouldn't want to work there and have people like me hounding you. The people that got ushered in before my friend I overheard were given aspirin and/or heartburn medication! It turned out my friend had an infection of the pericardium- the sac that surrounds the heart. Fortunately she wasn't having anything more life-threatening. From the time we walked in the door it took them 4 hrs before her severe pain was under control! It hurt me to see her in so much pain and not be able to do much about it!
Oh Jen, I feel HORRIBLE about Anna! How sad!
We've had to bring our kids to the ER. They are VERY slow! I'm glad everything worked out okay.
I'll be praying for your adorable little one.
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