Well, no matter what you say I have a bunch of kids and they keep me on my toes... and KNEES!!
So, yesterday we spent the day in the ER with our 2 year old Anna. 5 stitches! 4 hours. hmmmm.... every get the feeling that you are being watched? I was getting ready for a wedding, I told the kids I needed them to keep an eye on her... I needed a shower. Well, if you know Anna you know that you need to keep 2 eyes on her! She was trying to get her gummy bears... or gushy bears as she calls them ( they are her favorite) Well, I keep them out of reach so that they don't just eat the "gushy" bears) If you are following this. You can see what is about to happen right? Anna climbed up on the counter... (Who was watching her? they both forgot! ugh...) she opened the cabinet, well, I guess I have a few things up there that are there for "safe" keeping? Like my good crystal vase and a few other special things that I don't want broken. Can you see it? Well... mom in the shower, dad was outside working on a couple things, catching up because of all the rain! and well, wham... the vase fell she got scared! (I think)
Stepped on a piece of glass, and sliced her toe! It was pretty ugly!
We got into the car, went to the ER and they s-l-o-w-l-y waited on us. OK she is 2 how long do you think that a little kid is going to handle being at the hospital? All she wanted was a bandaid and a balloon! Well, first the nurse... what did she do? Well, she had her soak her foot for 45 min. then came in and told us the doctor would be in shortly... we waited.... and waited.... and waited.... he came in and looked at it 20 seconds maybe... said I need x-rays to make sure there is no glass, sounds good to me, that would hurt if there was glass in there still!
So, the x-ray tech came right in, took us down, snapped a few pictures, developed them, carried them to the doctor and handed them to him... simple right? it took maybe 20 minutes for all that to happen! YEAH we are moving along........ I thought....... we waited and waited and waited..... Anna started singing a doctor song. Please come in here... Doctor where are you... It worked... I thought, he came in and said " we just need to wait for a nurse to be free to help." Do you know how many nurses I saw walking around! I almost went out and stopped the next one to walk by the room and then call the doctor into the room, well, she started singing the nurse song!
They came in and stitched her up, 5 stitches in her BIG toe. ouch!! It took him 20 minutes to do it! Why the long wait... were we being watched, am I paranoid maybe but wouldn't you be? We left the hospital at 3:30 4 hours later! Hmmm... I think that I may say something!
A long day! I made it to the wedding, (remember the one I was starting to get ready for ...) Well, I made it to the reception! there were still a few people there! Oh Well, God had me where I needed to be! PRAYING for my children!
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Oh What A Beautiful Day!!
SO, A week of rain! And it is finally over!
I never knew how much the dark and drab weather really affected me. I was SO HAPPY this morning when I woke up and the sun was shining! It didn't rain yesterday, well, it did last night for a little bit!
The girls had a walk-a-thon yesterday at school. It was perfect weather for it, no rain, but the clouds were thick so, it kept the sun at bay. But today! WOW it is in the mid 70's. I actually got a few more plants into the gardens. I have been waiting to do it! They look so nice, I transplanted a few things last week before all the rain started, and I wasn't too sure how they would do, I think that the rain helped them because today as I was walking around checking all the plants, they look great like they have been there forever. Everything is about to POP open! I can't wait for the burst of color!
I never knew how much the dark and drab weather really affected me. I was SO HAPPY this morning when I woke up and the sun was shining! It didn't rain yesterday, well, it did last night for a little bit!
The girls had a walk-a-thon yesterday at school. It was perfect weather for it, no rain, but the clouds were thick so, it kept the sun at bay. But today! WOW it is in the mid 70's. I actually got a few more plants into the gardens. I have been waiting to do it! They look so nice, I transplanted a few things last week before all the rain started, and I wasn't too sure how they would do, I think that the rain helped them because today as I was walking around checking all the plants, they look great like they have been there forever. Everything is about to POP open! I can't wait for the burst of color!

click on image to enlarge
Can you see all the buds that are on this clematis? I am so happy, It is going to be beautiful in just a couple of days!! The rain helped it grow tons last week probably double what it before was last week! So, I am very thankful for the rain! It does make everything so much more beautiful! Just no-so-much while it is raining!
The dandylions grew out of control this week as well, look for yourself!
Of course my kids think they are the most beautiful flowers in the gardens! HAHA!!
Well, the sun is shining and I am so very happy about that! Lets see what the rest of Memorial Day weekend brings! sun and fun? I hope!!
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Well, I was asked if I could find Lapis Lazuli! Don't you know when I am asked to find something I am on an all out search to find it ? Well, actually it wasn't too hard to find! I love Lapis, and I knew right where to go!!! I do visit it in the store quite often,and now I had an excuse to purchase it! AHH I loved playing with it! Playing with beads make me very happy, I can relax and think of other things while I am working on my things. Well, I was really watching TV last night while I was working on things! Season Finales don't you just love them? Well, here are a couple pictures of the necklace, let me know what you think and leave you comment for me, I tried to get an up close of the beads so that you could see the color a little better, I think that I may need to invest in a better camera or just take Phils!
please click on image to enlarge
I started reading a book last night, I will give you details of the book as I read it through, if you would like to know what it is about please feel free to check out either Beth or Tims blog, it is very much in detail on their blogs, A hot topic these days among a bunch of people, I know where I stand but, I need to brush up on things before I give my opinion on the blog.
Well, thanks for looking! have a great day and don't forget to leave a comment for me! (only a nice comment please!)

please click on image to enlarge
I started reading a book last night, I will give you details of the book as I read it through, if you would like to know what it is about please feel free to check out either Beth or Tims blog, it is very much in detail on their blogs, A hot topic these days among a bunch of people, I know where I stand but, I need to brush up on things before I give my opinion on the blog.
Well, thanks for looking! have a great day and don't forget to leave a comment for me! (only a nice comment please!)
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Strawberry Banke
Well, my daughter was going to have a field trip today to Strawberry Banke, unfortunatly this beautiful weather that we are experiencing has made it impossible to go. I was hoping to get some pictures on the blog about the field trip oh well!
So, you are going to have to see some more of the jewlery! I figured since I haven't put anything on the blog in a few days todya would be a great day to do it since I can't be outside!
This first one is a "red hat" bracelet and earring set. Just a little joke! My mom asked me to create something for her friend last year for her birthday so I made a set of earrings and a bracelet, I still had some beads left over so I made another one! this is a swarovski crystal and gold beads. I don't have the french wire in the earrings yet, I need to get to the store to pick those up! But I figured that I would still show you! what do you think?
This next necklace is a blue lace agate and sterling silver necklace. I choose a "scroll" type chain for these beads, I really like the was that it worked up! I made each bead an individual link a lot of work but I think that the chain needs that type of a bead on it! I haven't made up any earrings or a bracelet yet, I am trying to figure those out. I don't want everything to look the same! As always tell me what you think I need feedback I would like to sell the jewlery eventually so I need to know what people like! OK so I can't get this picture to be right side up! I have tried!! So, you just need to look at the computer upside down, or turn your moniter upside down! That will work right? ;-) Still I think that you have a good idea of what it looks like!
Click on the images to enlarge them if you would like!
So, you are going to have to see some more of the jewlery! I figured since I haven't put anything on the blog in a few days todya would be a great day to do it since I can't be outside!
This first one is a "red hat" bracelet and earring set. Just a little joke! My mom asked me to create something for her friend last year for her birthday so I made a set of earrings and a bracelet, I still had some beads left over so I made another one! this is a swarovski crystal and gold beads. I don't have the french wire in the earrings yet, I need to get to the store to pick those up! But I figured that I would still show you! what do you think?

This next necklace is a blue lace agate and sterling silver necklace. I choose a "scroll" type chain for these beads, I really like the was that it worked up! I made each bead an individual link a lot of work but I think that the chain needs that type of a bead on it! I haven't made up any earrings or a bracelet yet, I am trying to figure those out. I don't want everything to look the same! As always tell me what you think I need feedback I would like to sell the jewlery eventually so I need to know what people like! OK so I can't get this picture to be right side up! I have tried!! So, you just need to look at the computer upside down, or turn your moniter upside down! That will work right? ;-) Still I think that you have a good idea of what it looks like!

Click on the images to enlarge them if you would like!
Friday, May 20, 2005
Some more of the creations!!
So, here are a few more pictures of jewlery. I don't have a lot of picutres right now, but I will try to take more now that I know how to do this! Watch out, you never know what may show up!!
This first set is a Jade and Bali and sterling silver set, one of ny favorites...
I love the color green of this jade, it is slightly varigated. It just looks so elegant but still casual. You know what I mean? Let me know what you think. I need feedback on these things... To know what people like!!
This next picture is of African yellow opal that I purchased, I just love the rich, creamy yellow color. It is a very warm stone, I can't wait to get started on this one I am not sure what I am going to make with it! there are 2 strands one is a brick shape and the other is a rounded square. I love the square the most I think! I am afraid to take the string apart for fear that I will not make something beautiful! We will see... maybe tomorrow!!
This first set is a Jade and Bali and sterling silver set, one of ny favorites...
I love the color green of this jade, it is slightly varigated. It just looks so elegant but still casual. You know what I mean? Let me know what you think. I need feedback on these things... To know what people like!!

This next picture is of African yellow opal that I purchased, I just love the rich, creamy yellow color. It is a very warm stone, I can't wait to get started on this one I am not sure what I am going to make with it! there are 2 strands one is a brick shape and the other is a rounded square. I love the square the most I think! I am afraid to take the string apart for fear that I will not make something beautiful! We will see... maybe tomorrow!!

So, as promised... here is a picture of a piece of jewlery that I have made.
I am only putting on one right now to see if this actually works, this is a pink chalcedony and bali silver set. The bracelet isn't in the picture, but it is the same, as the neckalace. If this really does work, I will get some more on the blog tonite!!!
Thanks so much Cheryl!!!!!
I am only putting on one right now to see if this actually works, this is a pink chalcedony and bali silver set. The bracelet isn't in the picture, but it is the same, as the neckalace. If this really does work, I will get some more on the blog tonite!!!
Thanks so much Cheryl!!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005
What did you do last night?
SO, what did you do last night? I went to a movie, maybe you have heard of it, I am not sure... Not much publicity on this one! Star Wars III ever hear of it? Yeah, MIDNIGHT!! Fun fun fun.... When was the last time that I was up until 3:oo am. I have been up at that time recently (ah, babies!) but I haven't stayed up until that time in who know how long. So, we went with a group of our friends, there were 10 of us in total, (unfortunatly we didn't all get to sit together.) What a blast... I think that we all stayed awake, I am not sure? It was like high school again! Dinner, movie, friends & fun!! BUT no curfew!! HA Standing in line watching people was fun! a little weird but, fun! The workers at the cinema, well... that is another story... I don't know if I would want to relive that whole scene again! Lets just say that I am going to contact the manager of the theater. OK so, I already did contact the manager of the theater! Overall we had fun, Well I know that I did! I am a little tired today, kinda dragging a bit! 3 hrs sleep just isn't enough! OH well! Memories are better than sleep right? Goodtimes! OK, so about all the pictures that I have on the blog, HA I am going to hire my nephew to help me do it!! he is smart, he can figure it out right? well, We will see!!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
What happened?
So, Have you ever had one of those days when you feel like you have walked around in a fog?
I did today, couldn't tell you much of what happened! I feel like I was hit over the head and left to figure out my day! I know that I did stuff, like bring someone to the doctors, went to Wal-mart, went to the dentist, yuck!! I did visit with my sister-in-law, that was very nice! and relaxing thanks Ellen! Went to get the girls from school, waited for softball to be over, Brought a friend home from school, did homework with the kids, went to the grocery store, unloaded the groceries, did more homework... cleaned a little bit! I guess not much today! Maybe that is why I am in a fog? who knows! Love those days! :/ Maybe tomorrow will be a better day, not just a blur of the day!
So, I still haven't figured out how to get the pictures onto the blog, I was up until 12:00 last night trying to figure it out, hmmm maybe that could explain my day! Still looking for someone to help!
I have made some beautiful pieces over the weekend and beginning of the week... I would love to get them onto the computer! HELP?? OH well, maybe this blog will be all about the kids and me! Well, enough for today, I need some sleep! to make up for last night!
I did today, couldn't tell you much of what happened! I feel like I was hit over the head and left to figure out my day! I know that I did stuff, like bring someone to the doctors, went to Wal-mart, went to the dentist, yuck!! I did visit with my sister-in-law, that was very nice! and relaxing thanks Ellen! Went to get the girls from school, waited for softball to be over, Brought a friend home from school, did homework with the kids, went to the grocery store, unloaded the groceries, did more homework... cleaned a little bit! I guess not much today! Maybe that is why I am in a fog? who knows! Love those days! :/ Maybe tomorrow will be a better day, not just a blur of the day!
So, I still haven't figured out how to get the pictures onto the blog, I was up until 12:00 last night trying to figure it out, hmmm maybe that could explain my day! Still looking for someone to help!
I have made some beautiful pieces over the weekend and beginning of the week... I would love to get them onto the computer! HELP?? OH well, maybe this blog will be all about the kids and me! Well, enough for today, I need some sleep! to make up for last night!
Monday, May 09, 2005
Ahhh... Mother's Day
Well, yesterday was Mother's Day, I hope that you honored your Mother in a wonderful way, whether it was breakfast in bed, flowers, a beautiful card, a nice dinner, whatever you did, I am sure that she appriciated your efforts of honoring her!
Our sermon yesterday was titled: God's Portrait of a Mother
he followed the acronym home
H-honor Gen 29-20
O-obedience Deut. 5:29
M-maternal Ex. 2-9
E-enjoyment Prov. 31:28-31
http://www.fellowshipbiblechester.org you can go here to read the sermon notes.
While my daughter was listening to the sermon, she decided to do her own acronym on JENNIFER
OK, so maybe I didn't get my breakfast in bed, who needs those crumbs anyway! But the acronym she did for me was great! It made my day.
We went out to eat after church, what a nice time we all had!
When we came home we just relaxed it was very nice. I had a GREAT Mother's Day!
Now, it is back to the grind, it's not all about me! (And I really do know that!)
So, back to laundry, dishes, dusting, groceries, softball practice... The everyday things that make me glad to be a MOM! It's job security what work would I have if they didn't have all these things for me to do? I do thank God everyday for my kids and for letting me be a MOM!
That is all for now!
Maybe some pictures tomorrow if I can figure out how to put them onto the blog! I did try last night! any helpers Cheryl?
Remember to check out he blogs that I have on the side of my screen, they are still having a contest, I am only able to go to Cheryls now that she helped me to link them all up so visit her often and tell your friends she is: the Great one or www.seedstitch.blogspot.com make sure you tell her I sent you :)
Our sermon yesterday was titled: God's Portrait of a Mother
he followed the acronym home
H-honor Gen 29-20
O-obedience Deut. 5:29
M-maternal Ex. 2-9
E-enjoyment Prov. 31:28-31
http://www.fellowshipbiblechester.org you can go here to read the sermon notes.
While my daughter was listening to the sermon, she decided to do her own acronym on JENNIFER
OK, so maybe I didn't get my breakfast in bed, who needs those crumbs anyway! But the acronym she did for me was great! It made my day.
We went out to eat after church, what a nice time we all had!
When we came home we just relaxed it was very nice. I had a GREAT Mother's Day!
Now, it is back to the grind, it's not all about me! (And I really do know that!)
So, back to laundry, dishes, dusting, groceries, softball practice... The everyday things that make me glad to be a MOM! It's job security what work would I have if they didn't have all these things for me to do? I do thank God everyday for my kids and for letting me be a MOM!
That is all for now!
Maybe some pictures tomorrow if I can figure out how to put them onto the blog! I did try last night! any helpers Cheryl?
Remember to check out he blogs that I have on the side of my screen, they are still having a contest, I am only able to go to Cheryls now that she helped me to link them all up so visit her often and tell your friends she is: the Great one or www.seedstitch.blogspot.com make sure you tell her I sent you :)
Friday, May 06, 2005
Well, my oldest daughter had her first softball game of the year yesterday!I must say we were pretty worried when the other team showed up and they were all 15 and 16 year old girls... HIGH SCHOOL.... I must say that our 12-13 junior high girls had them beat!! We are ahead the whole game in the last inning we started 7-2
then wham... I don't now what happened... I never saw it happen but the high school girls kicked in gear. and well, the game ended at 7-10. :(
Our girls did a great job! Considering they were playing against a team that had playied together since jr. high!
The best part of the game was the boys playing on the other field... My nephews are BIG baseball players. My newphew who was on the other field plays the same position as my daughter. It was fun to watch the boys play like boys and the girls play like, well, girls!
My parents were able to come and sit and watch both of the games! The other cousins all played! We had a ball!! (HAHA) And I am going to go out shopping today, and look for a warm spring coat for the baby... It was cold last night and I think that I may have lost some points with my mom, 4 blankets around the baby, she was snuggeled in very well, but it was still chilly!
Well the contest, it looks as if Cheryl will be the one to get the rest of the hits from me theis week! No one else offered to help me so, a BIG THANK YOU goes to Cheryl! :)
If you are actually reading this... don't forget that Sunday is MOTHER DAY
you need to let your Mom know how much you love her... If you live at home breakfst in bed is always a welcome treat. HINT HINT Flowers are always loved and What Mom wouldn'tove to get some special jewlery? Be creative! I know I will be!! I LOVE YOU MOM!
Well, now off to the wonderful day ahead the GOD has given to us today and I need to make the most of it and NOT sit on the computer all day and check the stat counters on my "friends?" Well, maybe I will sometime during the day...
This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24
then wham... I don't now what happened... I never saw it happen but the high school girls kicked in gear. and well, the game ended at 7-10. :(
Our girls did a great job! Considering they were playing against a team that had playied together since jr. high!
The best part of the game was the boys playing on the other field... My nephews are BIG baseball players. My newphew who was on the other field plays the same position as my daughter. It was fun to watch the boys play like boys and the girls play like, well, girls!
My parents were able to come and sit and watch both of the games! The other cousins all played! We had a ball!! (HAHA) And I am going to go out shopping today, and look for a warm spring coat for the baby... It was cold last night and I think that I may have lost some points with my mom, 4 blankets around the baby, she was snuggeled in very well, but it was still chilly!
Well the contest, it looks as if Cheryl will be the one to get the rest of the hits from me theis week! No one else offered to help me so, a BIG THANK YOU goes to Cheryl! :)
If you are actually reading this... don't forget that Sunday is MOTHER DAY
you need to let your Mom know how much you love her... If you live at home breakfst in bed is always a welcome treat. HINT HINT Flowers are always loved and What Mom wouldn'tove to get some special jewlery? Be creative! I know I will be!! I LOVE YOU MOM!
Well, now off to the wonderful day ahead the GOD has given to us today and I need to make the most of it and NOT sit on the computer all day and check the stat counters on my "friends?" Well, maybe I will sometime during the day...
This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Well, a few people I know are having a contest to see who gets the most "hits" this week. (A popularity contest of sorts). This whole contest is why I started my blog... I thought that it was a fun way to let people know what is going on here! I would love to tell you who they are or link them to me so that you can go check out there blogs... But I am totally unable to do it! So, maybe the first person who lets me know how to do this will have my complete loyalty for the rest of the week... Beth, Matt, Cheryl, Lindsey... anyone want to help? ;)
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Well, today I stopped at a friends house and we (she) dug through her gardens so that I could enjoy some new and beautiful flowers in my garden! Then I (Yes me) dug out some areas here at the house for the new plants to go.... I also purchased a BUNCH of new flowers be put into their new homes!! I just love the spring.... Especially when it is warm and the baby can be outside with me and the kids can play, fun times!.
Not too much other exciting things today, just a lot of the everyday Mom things!!! But I really do LOVE my job and wouldn't trade it in!! They sure do keep me on my toes! :)
Not too much other exciting things today, just a lot of the everyday Mom things!!! But I really do LOVE my job and wouldn't trade it in!! They sure do keep me on my toes! :)
Monday, May 02, 2005
my day...
Well, what do I do during the day? A little bit of everything! I have a bunch of kids that keep me on my toes! and I love to make jewlery.... The name of the blog.
I am going to try to keep you posted on the funny and not-so-funny things that my kids do and say...
And, in my "spare" time let you know and maybe see some of the beautiful creations that I have made!
BEWARE that my kids do consume my time.... so you will problably see more on them that on my jewlery but, that is the way that it should be!
And maybe as the beautiful weather draws near maybe a little bit of the gardens that we have outside!!
Oh yeah, we have some cool cows, maybe they will make it into the blog as well!
Thanks for looking!
I am going to try to keep you posted on the funny and not-so-funny things that my kids do and say...
And, in my "spare" time let you know and maybe see some of the beautiful creations that I have made!
BEWARE that my kids do consume my time.... so you will problably see more on them that on my jewlery but, that is the way that it should be!
And maybe as the beautiful weather draws near maybe a little bit of the gardens that we have outside!!
Oh yeah, we have some cool cows, maybe they will make it into the blog as well!
Thanks for looking!
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