So, Have you ever had one of those days when you feel like you have walked around in a fog?
I did today, couldn't tell you much of what happened! I feel like I was hit over the head and left to figure out my day! I know that I did stuff, like bring someone to the doctors, went to Wal-mart, went to the dentist, yuck!! I did visit with my sister-in-law, that was very nice! and relaxing thanks Ellen! Went to get the girls from school, waited for softball to be over, Brought a friend home from school, did homework with the kids, went to the grocery store, unloaded the groceries, did more homework... cleaned a little bit! I guess not much today! Maybe that is why I am in a fog? who knows! Love those days! :/ Maybe tomorrow will be a better day, not just a blur of the day!
So, I still haven't figured out how to get the pictures onto the blog, I was up until 12:00 last night trying to figure it out, hmmm maybe that could explain my day! Still looking for someone to help!
I have made some beautiful pieces over the weekend and beginning of the week... I would love to get them onto the computer! HELP?? OH well, maybe this blog will be all about the kids and me! Well, enough for today, I need some sleep! to make up for last night!
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Okay, To get photos on your blog you have to host them somewhere first. I like It's free and easy. So go there and open an account and upload photos from your hard drive to your photobucket page.
Then, when you're writing a post, you just paste the html code from beneath the picture right into your blog post. Voila! Pictures!
More FREE web services!!??!!!
You know, the Soviet Union fell a number of years ago because of this very thing.
Jen, stay up as late as you'd like, but make sure you're well-rested for our midnight Star Wars get-together next week! I don't want to have to sit you in between Phil and me so we can poke you to keep you awake! :)
Thanks for all the advice!
Cheryl, I am very excited and will try it tonite! and then I will go to bed, so that I will be VERY well rested for the movie at MIDNIGHT! yeah!!
So, what about the contest? now that there is a broken shoulder in the mix is it really all over or what I need to know! Thanks!!
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