Friday, December 30, 2005
New Post!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Happy Holidays?
How many times do you say Happy Holidays to someone instead of Merry Christmas? Are you concerned that you may offend them by wishing them a Merry Christmas when they actually celebrate kwanza? Chanukah? Or nothing at all? I do find myself on occasion saying happy holidays after all, I wouldn't want to hurt feelings...Makes me think whose feelings are actually being hurt? Who is the real season for? Who was born for our sins? Who died for us? Why are we afraid to upset someone else? Kind of makes me think.
Another thing that I have been bothered by for a LONG time (since I was in elementary school!) Why do people write X-mas on things instead of Christmas? Seems like they are too worried about the "other" things that the season has to offer. Well I was directed to a site about xmas I found it interesting and those of you out there are who are proficient in Greek! So I may be a little slow on this! I still am thinking that not too many people know why they are writing it xmas instead of Christmas so, I am sticking to my guns and writing the WHOLE thing out!
Merry Christmas everyone
OK, now you can go and read Nikki's blog!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Wanna know what my Christmas present is?

So, what do you think? Cabot looks pretty happy sitting on top of it. He was told standing in the HUGE salvage yard that he was "in Heaven". He was impressed with that! Phil took a bunch of pictures that we are going to frame for the walls in his room. He will finally have a room to himself sometime next month! He is pretty thrilled about that one so... We are going to make it a "farm" room. He already has a John Deere blanket! If you are looking for something cool for the boy, head on over to Cracker Barrel they have a great assortment of John Deere!
OK, really I think that I had better get a good Christmas gift since Phil was able to purchase that tractor! What do you all think? A nice new diamond? (hint hint hint) or a new bedroom set? (hint hint hint) hopefully Phil is reading this!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Friday, December 09, 2005
It's a SNOW DAY!!
I must say it is absolutely beautiful outside, the snow is so light and fluffy. Not snowman snow, just pretty play in the snow kind of snow! Fire crackling in the fireplace. Sipping hot chocolate, making cookies, I really do love a snow day, we kind of have a ritual that we do on snow days, however...Today is different. Some of the kids walked to my moms house and a few of them went over to my sister in laws house. So, I am sipping the hot chocolate all by myself, and I will be making the cookies and eating them all by myself! hmm... Why bother?
So, what do you all do on a snow day? As Phil says... Adults don't get snow days, I disagree! When you are a stay at home mom you do have a snow day. Just a little different than you would expect!!
Enjoy the snow!!

Friday, November 25, 2005
Yeah, I have been busy
THAT IS ALL, I just wanted to brag!! BYE...
Craft fair is next Sat. Dec. 3 from 9-4 if anyone is interested in coming out to it!!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Craft Fair!
Friday, November 04, 2005
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Yes, I am still around...
A woman, renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk's office was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupation. She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself. "What I mean is," explained the recorder, "do you have a job or are you just A...?"
"Of course I have a job," snapped the woman. "I'm a Mom."
"We don't list 'Mom' as an occupation, "housewife covers it," said the recorder emphatically.
I forgot all about her story until one day..I found myself in the same situation, this time at our own Town Hall. The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised, efficient and possessed of a high sounding title like, "Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar." "What is your occupation?" she probed.
What made me say it? I do not know. The words simply popped out. *"I'm a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations."*The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and looked up as though she had not heard right. I repeated the title slowly emphasizing the most significant words. Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.
"Might I ask," said the clerk with new interest, "just what you do in your field?"
Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice, I heard myself reply, "I have a continuing program of research, (what mother doesn't) in the laboratory and in the field, (normally I would have said indoors and out).
I'm working for my Masters, (the whole darned family) and already have four credits (all daughters). Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities, (any mother care to disagree?) and I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more like it). But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money."
There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she completed the form, stood up and personally ushered me to the door.
As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career, I was greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3. Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model, (a 6 month old baby) in the child development program, testing out a new vocal pattern. I felt I had scored a beat on bureaucracy! And I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable to mankind than "just another Mom."
Motherhood! . What a glorious career! Especially when there's a title on the door. Does this make grandmothers "Senior Research associates in the field of Child Development and Human Relations" and great grandmothers Executive Senior Research Associates"? I think so!!! I also think it makes Aunts "Associate Research Assistants. Please send this to another Mom, Grandmother, Aunt, and other friends you know. May your troubles be less, your blessings be more and nothing but! Happiness come through your door!
Saturday, October 22, 2005
A Watchlet

Thursday, October 20, 2005
So, there are about 300 moose checked in at the end of the 1 week hunting season. What does that mean? They really are not that easy to A. find B. harvest I am just glad that he was able to get his 5 days into the hunt, it was a long week without the Dad being around. Bedtime (which he has the privilege of doing every night) was up to me. They look forward to that special time with their dad, they talk about the things of the day, they talk about what is going to be going on the following day. He gets them silly and then can calm them down... I really don't get that part. So, back to the normal routine of life again. Moose meat in the freezer. Mount to be on the wall. Where am I going to put THAT head? Next to the caribou? I guess I have a little time to figure that one out.

Sunday, October 16, 2005
What is the cost of winning?
I have a daughter who is into sports (as you know if you have read this before) Not a big girl, OK she is very slight. Doesn't appear to be an athlete when you look at her but given the chance she is a great player. And she is still learning how to play the game. Whatever it may be. She played basketball last year and when she made the team the coach very quickly told me that she didn't bring much to the team. WOW... I thought that was BOLD! I know she isn't a "strong" player but she gives it her all... Not all the girls do that. She ended the season with a letter and a pin. She also was awarded most improved player. She did great at she learned what she needed to do and did it!
On to softball. She made the team they played in a U16 league! Remember that one? 12 and 13 year old girls. They did great! No championships but they did great. She even caught a few "flyballs" go girl.
Now we are at soccer. Once again she has never played this sport... She is doing what the coach tells her to do and doing a great job during the games keeping the bench warm. OK she goes to a SMALL school. I have been a little concerned about this position that she plays (as a bench warmer!) she is a sub, but they only put her in when they are way ahead or way behind. No time to give her a chance to play and learn to play with the team. Most of the parents on the team feel that the girls need the game time to learn how to play as a team and feel the girls will work together and be a better team next year if they work together as a team. Well... The coach feels that they are there to WIN and that is it. Middle school soccer NOT varsity please remember that! I am having a hard time learning this lesson because I do not like seeing my daughter sit on the bench most every game. And to hear the coach say things that are very discouraging to the team.
Winning is great I will agree with that no one like to lose... As the saying goes show me a good loser and I will show you a loser. However, at what expense do you allow the kids to sit on a bench and not be really part of a team. How are they supposed to learn the game if they aren't given the chance to play. Practice? They don't really play a game in practice, they are not really giving it their all at practice. She is discouraged that girls 2 years younger than her are starting the game and really are not much better than her. As a parent it is very hard to sit back and watch all this go on without saying a word to the coach. OK... I did say something to the coach. We totally disagree! And most of the people that I speak with either parents on the team. The Athletic Director or other staff from school feel that Middle school is a time for them to learn the sport and learn how to play as a team. Seeing how she did in her past 2 sports, basketball (a different coach) and softball (where they all had to be on the field and play) She proved that she was able to play the game and do it well. Is it wrong of me to be upset that the coach will not give her the chance to play and feel like part of the team? She played last week. And played GREAT there were 5 girls that were missing (almost all of the starters!) She did a wonderful job. They played a team that has played together since kindergarten! So, there was not a chance that they would win. I think that she did prove herself to the coach that if given the chance to play in the game she will do a great job.
So, really what are your thoughts on this one? I need a little input on this! I can be very passionate about things and can be too emotional to look rationally at things so please, help me look closer at this one and let me know your thoughts! Thanks...
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Fall Foliage and RAIN
Well, the highway has changed a bit! Has anyone been up there lately? It doesn't look the same. They are making it more "touristy" scenic views, bigger pull off areas, grassy land right up to the highway... And why do that? To attract wild life of course! I am sure that the deer and moose will walk right up to that plush green clover and devour it! They have done some wood cuts along some area on the road. Phil was explaining to me that it is for the moose habitat. They like the areas where the trees are cut down and the little sapling are all that is left. So, I am sure that the people who drive all the way up here from Maryland, North Carolina, hey even Texas to view our foliage will have the special treat of seeing a moose along the road one of these days!
I said to Phil, watch in a couple of years they are going to put a toll at both ends of the highway they are going to have to pay for all these "improvements" some way! It is all at the North Conway end of the highway. But I do think that the work will head all the way to Lincoln eventually. Maybe not! We will see!
We went on a little 4X4 trip yesterday in search for moose as well. (we didn't see any) We went about 4 miles in on an old logging road in search for moose. Phil is headed up that way for his own moose shortly. So we did a little scouting! I think that he pulled some strings to get another moose tag. How many people put in for their tags and never get one? You need to wait 6 years to put in for a tag after you have gotten one already. And well, why his first year after putting in (again) did he get drawn? Rigged I tell yah' rigged! Another vacation. Yeah, he will tell you it is hard work, BUT, I know differently :)
Random thoughts yeah, I know... I am rambling! Oh well what can I say that is just me!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
It takes FAITH!
The conference was great the theme was FAITH. All the speakers spoke from their hearts of different things that they have been through to make their faith stronger. If you wan to hear some of their stories you can go right to their sites. The one that I know really pricked my heart the most was Tammy Trent if you have a chance and you are not familiar with her please read her story. What a testimony she has.
If you really want to laugh hard, check out Patsy Clairmont She is packed full of energy, I am not sure how old she is, I am sure that I could find out easy enough. But I certainly hope that when I am her age I am able to do half the things that she can do! What a hoot she is!!
Sheila Walsh this is another speaker that I really enjoyed, these women have all had real trials in their lives and really want to have people learn from their experiences and teach them, such hearts and devotion they have. I used to listen to Sheila Walsh back in the 80's when she was a "cool" hip happenin' singer! Yeah... She didn't last too long on the Christian artist list. She figured that she would do better as a speaker I guess, and well... I agree! Some of the other speakers that were there were... Lucy Swindoll, Nicole Johnson, Kathy Tricolli (another 80's singer!) and Marilyn Meberg.
It was a great time. I am so thankful that Phil was able to take a couple of days off and take care of the kids for me, he even took them to the fair and I hear that it was a sight to see! Phil and all 6 of them! haha... He strapped Claires carseat to a wagon! I wish I had a picture of that one!
Well, I guess that is about all in a nutshell. There was really too much for me to write about but, I hope that you can see from this that we had a great time and God was truly glorified over the time that we were there!
Oh yeah, have you ever heard of Chonda Pierce? Now she is funny!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Did you know?
As you walk up the steps to the building which houses the U.S. Supreme Court you can see near the top of the building a row of the world's law givers and each one is facing one in the middle who is facing forward with a full frontal view ... it is Moses and he is holding the Ten Commandments!
As you enter the Supreme Court courtroom, the two huge oak doors have the Ten Commandments engraved on each lower portion of each door.
As you sit inside the courtroom, you can see the wall,
right above where the Supreme Court judges sit,
a display of the Ten Commandments!
There are Bible verses etched in stone all over the Federal Buildings and Monuments in Washington, D.C.
James Madison, the fourth president, known as "The Father of Our Constitution" made the following statement:
"We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."
Patrick Henry, that patriot and Founding Father of our country said:
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ".
Every session of Congress begins with a prayer by a paid preacher, whose salary has been paid by the taxpayer since 1777.
Fifty-two of the 55 founders of the Constitution were members of the established orthodox churches in the colonies.
Thomas Jefferson worried that the Courts would overstep their authority and instead of interpreting the law would begin making law . an oligarchy
the rule of few over many.
The very first Supreme Court Justice, John Jay, said:
"Americans should select and prefer Christians as their rulers."
How, then, have we gotten to the point that everything we have done for 220 years in this country is now suddenly wrong and unconstitutional?
Lets put it around the world and let the world see and remember what this great country was built on.
Chamber, US House of Representatives
It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore, it is very hard to understand why there is such a mess about having the Ten Commandments on display or "In God We Trust" on our money and having God in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
The Big Picture
Phil received a phone call last night. Just around 7:00 a phone call that you don't want to ever get. His cousin's husband was on his way home from work and was hit head on by the car coming his way. His father was going the other direction and saw the accident just after it happened. Not knowing it was his son he went to help and see what was needed for help. His dad was able to ride in the ambulance with him and they had Chris' precious last minutes on earth together. His father was able to hand him off to his Father.
I can't even begin to imagine what they all must be going through. Chris had been married to Phil's cousin Allison for 4 yrs. They have a 5 month old beautiful baby boy! He looks just like his dad. We will all enjoy watching him grow up and see what Gods plans are for this family.
We were able to see them a few weeks ago. We all headed up to Maine for a couple of days and we were able to make some great memories with him and the rest of the family.
I am writing all of this trying to think these things through... Asking you to pray for the family to guide them through this, God has a great plan and I can't wait to see what He has in store for all of them and us.
After you read this go and give your kids an extra hug, thank God for them. Give your wife/husband an extra kiss. Let them know how precious they are to you, spend an extra moment with them. Life is too short and we need to be prepared.
Are you ready?
The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust.
Psalm 18:2
Trust the Lord your God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you: He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
Psalm 55:22
Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
The Pledge of Allegiance
I find it quiet ironic that I am pushing for a fund raiser at school that is a car magnet that states One Nation Under God!
The paper that I received with the package of material was great these are direct quotes from the paper and I hope that I don't go on too much, but I fear for what this country is turning into and I am saddened to see how quickly people forget the true roots of our country!
We live in a time when even the name of God is being erased from our heritage. God has been asked to leave our schools, out government and even some churches. It is time that we Christians unite to redeem the past, hold firm to our Christian virtues and the foundation on which our nation was established. We are STILL One Nation Under God. We must stand for this truth and not let it slip away or be stolen by those who claim "political correctness"
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Mercy Ships
The Mercy Ship was docked in the Gulf, they don't usually have one docked there, I am not sure why it was there. Well, the ship was in the direct line of the hurricane last week. When the workers went to check on the boat and saw that everything around the ship was destroyed they were assuming that their ship would have sustained significant damage. As they approached it they were amazed little damage to the boat! They were able to get the boat ready for patients and refugees quickly and they were helping those in need that very day! Was it chance that they had the boat docked in the Gulf? I think not! Hind site is always 20/20! Take a look at their article!
Mercy Ships is working to bring practical assistance to alleviate some of the suffering caused by catastrophic Hurricane Katrina. Our response will be twofold; to help in the actual hurricane disaster area along the Gulf Coast and to assist hurricane survivors who are pouring in to East Texas with little more than the clothes on their back.
This coming week we are dispatching teams to Chickasaw, Alabama to begin relief efforts in damaged areas. Chickasaw Mayor Jim Trout has formerly invited Mercy Ships to work in his community and has a task list waiting for us. Jobs include debris removal, clearing community roads, and to assist where needed covering damaged homes with tarps so they are not exposed to elements.
We have a great asset in the Caribbean Mercy that appears to have safely survived the hurricane at a berth in Chickasaw. The ship did not sustain significant damage according to initial reports from city officials. We intend to use the vessel as a platform to launch relief teams into the surrounding communities. We can house relief team members and provide them with safe lodging, potable water, hot meals, and ample power – all without drawing on scarce local resources. Crewmembers are anxious to “get boots on the ground” in support of communities like Gulfport, Mobile and Chickasaw that have been so generous to Mercy Ships over the years.
On the hometown front, Mercy Ships is working alongside the local ministerial association, government agencies and community groups, to help meet needs of evacuees who arrived in East Texas. Neighboring Tyler has received several thousand evacuees. Some of these displaced families may be forced to remain in East Texas for months.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
So, should I be done?
Friday, September 02, 2005
A New Realm of Parenthood!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Do you pray for your kids?
So, I came across this song and I have been thinking about putting it on the blog! I love Chris Rice, if you know me you should know that! I think that his songs are great the word to his song can really get you thinking about what is going on inside your head, why we are here and what is in store for us! So, this song really sparked an interest for me. I pray for my kids, on a daily basis. I tell my kids that I pray for them, they seen me pray for them, and with them. Do they get it? I am not sure. My parents prayed for me, they let me know and I know that it is the power of prayer on their behalf the has me where I am today! I know that without at doubt Mom and Dad were praying for me and I know that they still are. I want my kids to know that I pray for them I daily that they will become Christ like, I pray that as they mature in their walk with God that others will see it in their lives. I pray that when they grow up that they will marry Godly people, and will want to serve Him together! My kids know that I pray for them but do they really know that I pray for them? I think that is one of the things that we see hind sight as we get older. I think that we take it for granted that Mom and Dad pray for us. Those are such powerful words and do they really get it? I know still to this day that my parents pray for me. They have been such an example of prayer over the years! I thank God for them every day as well! So, here is a challenge out there (for those of you who have kids, want kids, or someday will have them because you aren't married yet!) Pray for them. Start now! Let them know that you are praying for them. Show them that you are praying for them. So, with that challenge, here is the song.
My memories of my brothers and me
Make me marvel at the way the years went by
Here we are, how'd we ever get this far?
I wonder how, and I wonder why
Then I recall what these boys often saw
When we would stop to look in Mom and Daddy's door
They'd bow their heads while they knelt beside their bed
And we could hear them lift our names before the Lord
Mama prayed and Jesus stood beside us
daddy prayed and the devil had to run
God looked down, and His angels guarded through the harder days
'Cause Mama prayed and Daddy prayed
Now the boys are grown raising boys of their own
In a world a little darker than before
But the prayers go on every night and every dawn
'Cause they still bow and lift our names before the Lord
Mama prays and Jesus stands beside us
Daddy prays and the devil has to run
God looks down and His angels guard us through the harder days
'Cause Mama prays and Daddy prays
Mama prays and Jesus stands beside me
Daddy prays and the devil has to run
God looks down and His angels guard me through the harder days
'Cause Mama prays and Daddy prays
And Jesus stands beside me
Mama prays and the devil has to run
God looks down and His angels guard me through the harder days
'Cause Mama prays and Daddy prays
Mama prays
And Daddy prays
Mama prays
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Monday, August 22, 2005
Well, we went to Clarks Trading Post and Trained Bears on Saturday check it out here Well, we had fun. It rained while we were there, but it was a great time! We had to do something fun before the kids head back to school!!
Well, apparently MOXIE was quite desirable? I don't get it! But there are some great collectibles out there (or at Clarks). Even a license plate on an old car from the 40's I think.
Dishes, who knew!

Then there was this cool delivery vehicle. If that is what you call it! I am not sure if this is actually how they delivered the MOXIE but, it was cool still the same!

And well, these are just some cool signs that they had there.

There were a lot more Moxie souvenirs BUT well, I can take a picture of everything can I?
Well, Clarks Trading Post was a great time, I would highly recommend it to anyone!
Sorry, I didn't get any pictures of the bears, I will check and see if Phil did, and if he did I will post some of them!
Friday, August 19, 2005
The summer is almost done

Where has the summer gone? Orientation is on Monday and the first full day of school is Wednesday! Here we go again! What did we do this summer? I can't really think of much, the girls didn't complain other than they didn't have someone over EVERY day! What can I say? That would be a bit much!! On the following Monday soccer starts! Hip hip hooray! Can you hear the excitement! Oh, I just love to "live" in my car for the kids!!! And with the gas prices the way they are we just may be living in the car! Give me another 2 weeks and everything will be in full swing! Yeah...
So, what great adventures did we have this summer well, I guess we will live off of Phils great travels. We don't get sick that way!
I am planning a summer vacation for all of us next summer! I can be selfish that way right?
Well, summer is almost done! Good times Good times!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
up up and away!!!!!

I hope that you enjoyed the pictures!
We enjoyed the day!
Monday, August 01, 2005
Fun beach days!
Pictures, yeah I've got them. I am not sure who was camera shy so. Everyone may not be in the pictures. (like me!!) I am no dummy, I am taking all the pictures for a reason!

And finally

As always click on the image to enlarge it!
I have a bunch more, but well... It takes too long to upload the pictures onto the computer!!!
So, these are some fun beach days that we have had! And we are looking forward to a bunch more!
That is all for now!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
I am still around!
I had my first home show! It went much better than I expected! And I have a few other people interested in having a show! I can't wait!
Now on to bigger and better things, BEACH!!!
We went one day last week it was beautiful I would say it was a 10! And we ventured out again today! Another 10... A few more play dates this week and next. The kids are so excited about it! And well, so am I! It is just so much fun!
I have taken some great "sandy" picture! I will get them posted soon! I can't believe that it is almost the end of July, where has the summer gone? WE are trying to enjoy everyday to it's fullest!
Well, that is just a quick update! I promise as the days are less busy I will put more down but for now that is all that I have time for!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Here it is!

I have made a bunch of great new pieces! I can't wait to show them! Next week will be so much fun!! I still can't believe that I am going to have a party to show my jewelry. I never thought that I would have a little "cottage" business!
Leave a comment! Tell me what you think!
Friday, July 08, 2005
Brown and Pink, What do you think?

And... This is MY mothers bracelet, I have been told that I need to put it on here for people to see and get the idea of a mothers bracelet out there. I have made a bunch of these and most of them have been a single strand, I have only made 3 that are a triple strand. (check out the post on June 25, you will see a single strand one. And it is in gold, I have only made 3 of them in gold. Check out the heart shaped clasp that I used. I thought that the heart was a great way to show that it was for family.

Let me know what you think of this one, and for those of you that may read this and don't know me (if there are any), yes there are 6 stones for 6 kids! Enjoy!!!
How is that for a post on the jewelry? Haven't done much of these lately! Thanks for looking!
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Home show coming up soon!!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

We enjoyed strawberry shortcakes... fresh strawberries... and of course, I made jam today yum yum yum!!!
I was only able to make one batch of jam so... we will be going again soon, probably early next week! We do love those strawberries!!
Well, off to be a mother... we are having a sleep over tonight, and the girls need to get to bed!!!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Jewelry oh yeah!
So, I made a "mother's bracelet" for a friend today, my camera isn't taking great pictures these days, so... I will explain it.
I made it with gold filled beads, 4 mm in size and the stones are square 6mm emerald crystal and light amethyst crystal 2 emerald on either side of the amethyst. I think it came out nice, if I do say so myself! I don't usually make them in gold, it is a lot more expensive. I do them only when I am asked to make them in gold.
I am going to be doing a few "home shows" this summer! I am a little nervous but, I am very excited about it! So, Let me know what you think of the bracelet and whatever other jewelry that you have seen on here! Thanks have a GREAT day!!

you can click on the image to enlarge it!
I'm bored!!...
Are we really in such an electronic age that the computers and TV's need to tell the kids what to do, and we don't even have a playstaion or xbox or whatever else those things are called. Not even television, nope not in our house. Well, we do BUT it is only for family movies, at night! That is all it is for, so... Why do the kids come in and tell me they are bored, what is there to do these days? any ideas I hear on a regular basis that we are the only ones around who don't have a pool, doesn't the kiddie pool count?
OK, so we are off to soccer... yeah, the weekly scheduled things... I think we need one every day for all the kids, and maybe just maybe I won't hear "I'm bored!"
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Wise Words from a Wise Friend
This is what I found and yes, this is how I feel... I think the semantics of "Reformed", "Covenantal", "Dispensationalist", "Calvinist" purpose is only to let people vaguely know where you are coming from without having to explain everything every time. If you don't know where you are- definitely don't start labeling yourself. I notice that very few theologians like putting themselves in a category. I thought I was reformed last year- but then I realized all it entails (not just a Calvinistic view of the gospel- but lots of other stuff too). Now I'm realizing I'm not. It is important to be a Berean- when you hear teaching or teaching- go look it up in the Bible on your own. There is definitely false teaching and heresies being taught out there, and we are responsible as believers to recognize it. We are told to do so repeatedly in the Bible.
Wise words from a wise and yes younger friend!
That is my soap box and I am getting down now!!
Monday, June 13, 2005
It's a BOY!
I have no weight stats... BUT he is keeper, we aren't sure on the name yet, we need a little help. The mom's name is Shemariah, we need a good strong masculine name to follow. He will be a registered bull so, it will need to "look good" on the papers...
The name on the certificate will look like this: Old Homestead Name
So, Old Homestead Scotty was our first bull. You get the picture? We need your help!!
Here are a few pictures of the addition. Beth aren't they cute!! ;)


So, is anyone up for the challenge? We need a good name, give us your thoughts, and ideas!
Thanks!! I told you there would be cows!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
I figure, if they can memorize chapters of the Bible at school. (BIG ones at that) I figure, that we can work on a few this summer, the first one will be an easy one, to see just how they all do, and to remind me why we pay the big bucks to send them to school, and don't give into the peer pressure of (ahem) the home school scene. ;-)
Our first verses will be...
Proverbs 15 1-5
1.A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. 2 The tounge of the wise uses knowledge rightly, But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness. 3.The eyes of the Lord are in every place keeping watch on the evil and the good. 4.A wholesome tounge is a tree if life but perseverence in it breaks the spirit. 5.A fool despises his fathers instruction, but he who received correction is prudent.
We will work on these few verses, and see where it gets us. Our family devotions are in Proverbs right now, so I thought it would be a great idea to memorize them while we are studing them!
Well, beach days are ahead! and lots of family time, I can't wait!!
Hopefully there will be no trips to the ER. I would like to be done with them!! Oh, the stitches came out today, her toe looks great!! hip hip hooray!!
Well, that is all for tonite, big day at the field day tomorrow!!
Monday, June 06, 2005
The Eagles have landed...
They did a GREAT job, if I do say so myself, I mean they played against 15-16 year old girls, most of those girls have played together since t-ball... Our team has been together for 3 months. GOOD JOB EAGLES! I must say, I am looking forward to next year! I can't wait to see what they do! I don't have any pictures to put in the blog, but I will try to get a picture of Abby in her uniform and put it on here for you to see! I guess there is a "pick up" game on Thursday, I am not sure who we are playing against, but I know the girls will do a great job!
So, that is the end of the story of softball for the 2005 season.
Who knows what the next blog will bring!!!
Phil is putting his traps in tomorrow, maybe a picture of a lobster or two! HAHA
Friday, June 03, 2005
the BIG field trip!
We went to see the USS CONSTITUTION. What a ship. We were unable to have a tour of the ship, time constraints you know! And the "hands on" Museum was closed for renovations. So, the hour that we had planned there was more like 20 minutes! Oh well, it was a beautiful sunny warm day to walk around Boston, and get a sunburn! oops!!!
We really went down for the kids to walk through the Holocaust Monument which is at the end of the Freedom Trail in Boston, we were unable to do the whole Freedom Trail. That would take far too long by ourselves, let alone having to keep track of 30 kids! The monument was sobering to say the least. If you ever have a chance to go and see it I would highly recommend it. And, you may need to bring some tissues, I forgot them and was sorry. They did an incredible job with the monument. There were 6 Plexiglas columns, I am not sure how tall they were, but in the glass of each column they have the numbers of each person who was in the camps, etched into the glass. Each column represents a concentration camp. There are quotes of people on the ground and on the doors of each column. It was a very sobering thing to see.
There were other schools there as well. It was amazing seeing how each person was affected as they walked out of there. I would like to go back down and be able to really spend the time reading all the quotes and sayings they have etched in the path along the way. I am going to try to get some of our pictures on here for you to see, I didn't have my camera, has anyone seen it? It is gone! so, we used Phil's, and it is at work with him, which means that I am unable to put them on here for you to see. SORRY!! you can check it out on the side bar to the left.
Well, I guess that sums up the field trip! What is up next? WHO KNOWS!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
So, yesterday we spent the day in the ER with our 2 year old Anna. 5 stitches! 4 hours. hmmmm.... every get the feeling that you are being watched? I was getting ready for a wedding, I told the kids I needed them to keep an eye on her... I needed a shower. Well, if you know Anna you know that you need to keep 2 eyes on her! She was trying to get her gummy bears... or gushy bears as she calls them ( they are her favorite) Well, I keep them out of reach so that they don't just eat the "gushy" bears) If you are following this. You can see what is about to happen right? Anna climbed up on the counter... (Who was watching her? they both forgot! ugh...) she opened the cabinet, well, I guess I have a few things up there that are there for "safe" keeping? Like my good crystal vase and a few other special things that I don't want broken. Can you see it? Well... mom in the shower, dad was outside working on a couple things, catching up because of all the rain! and well, wham... the vase fell she got scared! (I think)
Stepped on a piece of glass, and sliced her toe! It was pretty ugly!
We got into the car, went to the ER and they s-l-o-w-l-y waited on us. OK she is 2 how long do you think that a little kid is going to handle being at the hospital? All she wanted was a bandaid and a balloon! Well, first the nurse... what did she do? Well, she had her soak her foot for 45 min. then came in and told us the doctor would be in shortly... we waited.... and waited.... and waited.... he came in and looked at it 20 seconds maybe... said I need x-rays to make sure there is no glass, sounds good to me, that would hurt if there was glass in there still!
So, the x-ray tech came right in, took us down, snapped a few pictures, developed them, carried them to the doctor and handed them to him... simple right? it took maybe 20 minutes for all that to happen! YEAH we are moving along........ I thought....... we waited and waited and waited..... Anna started singing a doctor song. Please come in here... Doctor where are you... It worked... I thought, he came in and said " we just need to wait for a nurse to be free to help." Do you know how many nurses I saw walking around! I almost went out and stopped the next one to walk by the room and then call the doctor into the room, well, she started singing the nurse song!
They came in and stitched her up, 5 stitches in her BIG toe. ouch!! It took him 20 minutes to do it! Why the long wait... were we being watched, am I paranoid maybe but wouldn't you be? We left the hospital at 3:30 4 hours later! Hmmm... I think that I may say something!
A long day! I made it to the wedding, (remember the one I was starting to get ready for ...) Well, I made it to the reception! there were still a few people there! Oh Well, God had me where I needed to be! PRAYING for my children!
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Oh What A Beautiful Day!!
I never knew how much the dark and drab weather really affected me. I was SO HAPPY this morning when I woke up and the sun was shining! It didn't rain yesterday, well, it did last night for a little bit!
The girls had a walk-a-thon yesterday at school. It was perfect weather for it, no rain, but the clouds were thick so, it kept the sun at bay. But today! WOW it is in the mid 70's. I actually got a few more plants into the gardens. I have been waiting to do it! They look so nice, I transplanted a few things last week before all the rain started, and I wasn't too sure how they would do, I think that the rain helped them because today as I was walking around checking all the plants, they look great like they have been there forever. Everything is about to POP open! I can't wait for the burst of color!

Can you see all the buds that are on this clematis? I am so happy, It is going to be beautiful in just a couple of days!! The rain helped it grow tons last week probably double what it before was last week! So, I am very thankful for the rain! It does make everything so much more beautiful! Just no-so-much while it is raining!
Thursday, May 26, 2005

please click on image to enlarge
I started reading a book last night, I will give you details of the book as I read it through, if you would like to know what it is about please feel free to check out either Beth or Tims blog, it is very much in detail on their blogs, A hot topic these days among a bunch of people, I know where I stand but, I need to brush up on things before I give my opinion on the blog.
Well, thanks for looking! have a great day and don't forget to leave a comment for me! (only a nice comment please!)
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Strawberry Banke
So, you are going to have to see some more of the jewlery! I figured since I haven't put anything on the blog in a few days todya would be a great day to do it since I can't be outside!
This first one is a "red hat" bracelet and earring set. Just a little joke! My mom asked me to create something for her friend last year for her birthday so I made a set of earrings and a bracelet, I still had some beads left over so I made another one! this is a swarovski crystal and gold beads. I don't have the french wire in the earrings yet, I need to get to the store to pick those up! But I figured that I would still show you! what do you think?

This next necklace is a blue lace agate and sterling silver necklace. I choose a "scroll" type chain for these beads, I really like the was that it worked up! I made each bead an individual link a lot of work but I think that the chain needs that type of a bead on it! I haven't made up any earrings or a bracelet yet, I am trying to figure those out. I don't want everything to look the same! As always tell me what you think I need feedback I would like to sell the jewlery eventually so I need to know what people like! OK so I can't get this picture to be right side up! I have tried!! So, you just need to look at the computer upside down, or turn your moniter upside down! That will work right? ;-) Still I think that you have a good idea of what it looks like!

Click on the images to enlarge them if you would like!
Friday, May 20, 2005
Some more of the creations!!
This first set is a Jade and Bali and sterling silver set, one of ny favorites...
I love the color green of this jade, it is slightly varigated. It just looks so elegant but still casual. You know what I mean? Let me know what you think. I need feedback on these things... To know what people like!!

This next picture is of African yellow opal that I purchased, I just love the rich, creamy yellow color. It is a very warm stone, I can't wait to get started on this one I am not sure what I am going to make with it! there are 2 strands one is a brick shape and the other is a rounded square. I love the square the most I think! I am afraid to take the string apart for fear that I will not make something beautiful! We will see... maybe tomorrow!!

I am only putting on one right now to see if this actually works, this is a pink chalcedony and bali silver set. The bracelet isn't in the picture, but it is the same, as the neckalace. If this really does work, I will get some more on the blog tonite!!!
Thanks so much Cheryl!!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005
What did you do last night?
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
What happened?
I did today, couldn't tell you much of what happened! I feel like I was hit over the head and left to figure out my day! I know that I did stuff, like bring someone to the doctors, went to Wal-mart, went to the dentist, yuck!! I did visit with my sister-in-law, that was very nice! and relaxing thanks Ellen! Went to get the girls from school, waited for softball to be over, Brought a friend home from school, did homework with the kids, went to the grocery store, unloaded the groceries, did more homework... cleaned a little bit! I guess not much today! Maybe that is why I am in a fog? who knows! Love those days! :/ Maybe tomorrow will be a better day, not just a blur of the day!
So, I still haven't figured out how to get the pictures onto the blog, I was up until 12:00 last night trying to figure it out, hmmm maybe that could explain my day! Still looking for someone to help!
I have made some beautiful pieces over the weekend and beginning of the week... I would love to get them onto the computer! HELP?? OH well, maybe this blog will be all about the kids and me! Well, enough for today, I need some sleep! to make up for last night!
Monday, May 09, 2005
Ahhh... Mother's Day
Our sermon yesterday was titled: God's Portrait of a Mother
he followed the acronym home
H-honor Gen 29-20
O-obedience Deut. 5:29
M-maternal Ex. 2-9
E-enjoyment Prov. 31:28-31 you can go here to read the sermon notes.
While my daughter was listening to the sermon, she decided to do her own acronym on JENNIFER
OK, so maybe I didn't get my breakfast in bed, who needs those crumbs anyway! But the acronym she did for me was great! It made my day.
We went out to eat after church, what a nice time we all had!
When we came home we just relaxed it was very nice. I had a GREAT Mother's Day!
Now, it is back to the grind, it's not all about me! (And I really do know that!)
So, back to laundry, dishes, dusting, groceries, softball practice... The everyday things that make me glad to be a MOM! It's job security what work would I have if they didn't have all these things for me to do? I do thank God everyday for my kids and for letting me be a MOM!
That is all for now!
Maybe some pictures tomorrow if I can figure out how to put them onto the blog! I did try last night! any helpers Cheryl?
Remember to check out he blogs that I have on the side of my screen, they are still having a contest, I am only able to go to Cheryls now that she helped me to link them all up so visit her often and tell your friends she is: the Great one or make sure you tell her I sent you :)
Friday, May 06, 2005
then wham... I don't now what happened... I never saw it happen but the high school girls kicked in gear. and well, the game ended at 7-10. :(
Our girls did a great job! Considering they were playing against a team that had playied together since jr. high!
The best part of the game was the boys playing on the other field... My nephews are BIG baseball players. My newphew who was on the other field plays the same position as my daughter. It was fun to watch the boys play like boys and the girls play like, well, girls!
My parents were able to come and sit and watch both of the games! The other cousins all played! We had a ball!! (HAHA) And I am going to go out shopping today, and look for a warm spring coat for the baby... It was cold last night and I think that I may have lost some points with my mom, 4 blankets around the baby, she was snuggeled in very well, but it was still chilly!
Well the contest, it looks as if Cheryl will be the one to get the rest of the hits from me theis week! No one else offered to help me so, a BIG THANK YOU goes to Cheryl! :)
If you are actually reading this... don't forget that Sunday is MOTHER DAY
you need to let your Mom know how much you love her... If you live at home breakfst in bed is always a welcome treat. HINT HINT Flowers are always loved and What Mom wouldn'tove to get some special jewlery? Be creative! I know I will be!! I LOVE YOU MOM!
Well, now off to the wonderful day ahead the GOD has given to us today and I need to make the most of it and NOT sit on the computer all day and check the stat counters on my "friends?" Well, maybe I will sometime during the day...
This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Not too much other exciting things today, just a lot of the everyday Mom things!!! But I really do LOVE my job and wouldn't trade it in!! They sure do keep me on my toes! :)
Monday, May 02, 2005
my day...
I am going to try to keep you posted on the funny and not-so-funny things that my kids do and say...
And, in my "spare" time let you know and maybe see some of the beautiful creations that I have made!
BEWARE that my kids do consume my time.... so you will problably see more on them that on my jewlery but, that is the way that it should be!
And maybe as the beautiful weather draws near maybe a little bit of the gardens that we have outside!!
Oh yeah, we have some cool cows, maybe they will make it into the blog as well!
Thanks for looking!